Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

【137】Let Me Do The Final Beheading! (Seeking Subscription)

Polaris' pupils glowed with a dazzling dark purple light, and a vague phantom seemed to be vaguely forming on her body.

In fact, this is an achievement that every extreme wizard apprentice has the opportunity to achieve, that is, to shape the prototype of the real body one step ahead of time that only formal wizards can create.

But it is only a prototype, and it will take a lot of time and energy to make it perfect. It is very difficult.

The Youye energy particles have changed in color, from dark purple to dark purple, and the aura and feeling they emit are completely different.

If you use anything to describe it, it is probably the flame that is about to burn forever.

chi chi!

The figure of Polaris disappeared, and to be precise, it had already appeared in the middle of the sky, which was a speed that the naked eye could not capture.

The big purple net is also constantly shrinking,

"It's useless, Polaris, you can't get rid of our cutting net no matter what..."

The voices of the three Weasley brothers came from all directions.

"Do you know what you look like now?"

"You are like a bird with broken wings. The final result is already doomed. You fell under the gun of the hunter. Now we are the hunters, and you are just the prey...so, go die Bar!!"

Hearing this sound shook the sound waves, and slowly reverberated over, Polaris' expression did not change at all, and his expression was indifferent to the limit, as if the place where he was now, and the things he was facing were just a very serious matter. Same thing as usual.

And how to deal with it, of course, just reach out.

Polaris is surrounded by dark purple particles of energy.

The vague phantom behind him became more and more clearly visible, and it solidified into an energy phantom made of dark energy particles.

The phantom wrapped Polaris' body inside it, and had four arms, on which there were condensed energy particle weapons.

One arm is holding a knife, the other arm is holding a gun, the other arm is holding a shield, and the last arm is impressively carrying a large number of diamond-shaped light cones.

Polaris's hair fluttered, his expression was flying, and his keen mental power also locked on the three hidden Weasley brothers.

Impressively, through the reverberation of the sound just now, the extremely weak sound wave was captured.

Although there have been many times of misleading, they can't escape the observation of Polaris.

She has been through a lot of battles!!!

The energy phantom directly stretched out its four arms and slashed towards the front end.

Terrifying energy fluctuations bloomed, and the place where the slash was struck was the gathering point of the purple energy net.

Cutting the web is not invulnerable.

This trick is also a hole card of Polaris, a manifestation of her strength.

The pseudo-elemental avatar can also be called the prototype of the elemental avatar.


It seemed that the air was being rolled up by the raging energy particle fluctuations.

This is too shocking and frightening, as if an official wizard has descended.

Like wind and clouds, the ground is also cracked, and the cutting skynet is also fluctuating at this moment.

The three Weasley brothers also stared at this scene with wide eyes.

In such a situation, they also have no confidence.

Because it is possible to look up.

"We won't lose, we will win. This is our strongest method, the absolute strongest... Gathering the strength of the three of us~!"

Weasley gritted his teeth first and said, increasing his output of energy particles.

"Boss is right. The combined power of the three of us is enough to suppress any wizard apprentice, even the ultimate wizard apprentice. I believe

Weasley Second said with cold sweat on his forehead, perhaps because the output of energy particles was too much, his body trembled a bit.

Weasley III didn't speak, his eyes were fixed on the collision place.


With the huge roaring sound, accompanied by the collision of energy particles, the world seemed to have stopped for three short moments.

The amplitude of the fluctuations is oscillating through the space, and continues to be transmitted to farther places. The dazzling purple light also rises into the sky, forming a huge purple energy light, which continues to spread and gradually spreads to the entire sky.

Even to the point where the clouds in the sky turned purple, echoing each other.

Many residents of Minggu City watched this scene in astonishment, and even started talking about it.

"What's the situation, why the sky turned into such a color, it's too surprising, and it's too weird."

"It's scary, so scary. Those purple things made my whole body tremble, as if just looking at it would cause physical discomfort. What's going on here?"

"I don't know, it happened suddenly, and the purple light wave that shot directly into the sky seemed to come from the direction of the teleportation array of the wizards, and that huge sound seemed to be happening. It's a big deal."

*`~Do you dare to go to see it? I dare not go. This is related to the respected wizard. 1 Even if the wizard spits, he can kill A...... .."

The person who knows the truth of all this is standing in the city lord's mansion of the famous ancient city at this moment, staring at the place where the energy exploded.

Gray Zijinhua sneered and said: "Polaris, even if you are an apprentice of an extreme wizard, you still don't want to survive this encirclement. You have finally tasted the revenge of the Zijinhua family."

"That's not enough. There's also that fellow named Angelet. I'll let him die too. He will die a miserable death. The Zijinhua family is gone, so you must die too!"

Next to him, the city lord of the ancient city coughed and said, "Master Gray, is this possible? After all, he is such a powerful wizard."

Gray Zijinhua took a deep breath and said: "There is nothing that can't be done (Li's). The answer this time is already doomed."

"The first method is the three Weasley brothers. No matter who dies among them, it will cause huge consumption to the other party, and even cause the other party to be injured. This is very beneficial to us."

"The second stage is a terrific wizard formation, and it will create an extremely harsh environment, which is very secretive. Even with the keen observation ability of an extreme wizard apprentice, you can't even try to observe it, don't even try to get rid of it... ……”

Gray Zijinhua sneered and said: "And at that time, it's time for your preparations to start to work, to carry out the last wave of testing

"Look at Polaris, do you still have the ability to resist!"

Murderous intent exploded in Gray Zijinhua's eyes: "Let me be the last one to kill."

"I hope, Polaris, you are worthy of your name and can survive, otherwise, I can't take revenge myself, that's what makes me unhappy.

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