Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

[138] I'm Going To Minggu City, Hurry Up! (Seeking Subscription)

Angelet's body stabilized from the unstable space transmission, and he adapted very quickly. It took more than a minute to recover from the discomfort from the beginning.

Now it takes almost a second to adapt, this kind of adaptation is extremely rare.

You must know that this is the first time he has teleported on the teleportation array.

The difference from the special transmission of the Black Sun Key is that it is an extremely clever use of space, and it is the use of high-level wizard knowledge from the Black Sun Wizard. Even if a mortal passes through such a transmission, there will be no reaction.

But this ordinary teleportation array is different. If ordinary mortals are used to carry out legends, they may have side effects of vomiting and diarrhea, or even headaches.

Seriously, it can lead to death.

Angelet's body adaptability is extremely strong, almost a few more teleportations, and he can be exempted directly.

His eyes fell on the guardian wizards who came forward, and Angelet still followed the previous operation, throwing a wizard potion to the leader of the guardian wizards.

Said his request.

Soon, the teleportation array continued to prepare. Judging from the current situation, the distance between him and 083 is not too far from Minggu City.

Probably, there are still two or three wizard cities left to teleport.

The caretaker wizard helped Angelet make all the arrangements with a smile on his face.

Just as the teleportation array was about to start, Angelet seemed to sense something, his pupils fluctuated, and he looked in one direction.

Although there seems to be nothing in that direction, Angelet has a certain sense somewhere, that there is an existence that he cares about very, very much.

And the state of that existence doesn't seem to be very good at the moment.

Angelet took a deep breath, he probably knew where the direction was,

Absolutely can't go wrong, famous ancient city, and Polaris.


At this time, in the cuff of Angelet's wizard robe, a reminder of a disc flying object sounded.

[A large energy fluctuation response was detected, and this energy fluctuation response was detected within the scope of another subject. 】

Angelet's face darkened a little, and his eyes were also very cold.

A terrifying aura was released subconsciously, causing many guardian wizards who were operating around to tremble all over, and looked at Angelet with greatly changed expressions.

Such momentum, why is it so terrifying.

It even reached the point where they couldn't even move their bodies.

Unless it is a third-level wizard apprentice, or the existence of an extreme wizard apprentice.

Polaris, if anything happens to you, I will make all the people involved in this matter pay the due price, which is the price they are unable to bear

Angelet's heart was full of killing intent, and he gradually withdrew the aura around him.

"Now, hurry up, I'm going to Minggu City, you should know the consequences."

Angelet glanced over coldly.

The leader who guarded the wizard trembled, and in an instant, he seemed to feel the threat of death.

That kind of threat is extremely obvious, and this is definitely not a joke.

"Hurry up and get moving, you trash, crap... Hurry up and continue to operate the teleportation array!!!"

The white light energy fluctuations of the teleportation array reappeared.

Angelet disappeared directly, leaving behind a group of horrified guardian wizards.

The leader of the guardian wizard fumbled for the wizard potion. While his face was joyful, there was some lingering fear in his eyes. If he didn't meet the requirements of such a terrible wizard, it was probably the result of their death here today.

The leading wizard was a little curious, what happened to make such wizards "move out one after another.

He was almost certain that this was an Apprentice Sorcerer.

Just before (aefb) there was a limit wizard apprentice who teleported past. Does this limit wizard apprentice have any relationship with that limit wizard apprentice?

In an instant, his expression changed a little bit with fear.

This kind of thing is not something he can participate in, this is the ultimate wizard apprentice.

Even if the White Bone Society has any arrangements, it is still not an existence of their level, and it is enough to do their essential work well if they can speculate.

"However, this Master Ultimate Wizard Apprentice is truly incomparably generous!"

The leader guarding the wizard looked at the wizard potion in his hand. The rippling liquid exuded a slight luster, which was reflected in his heart.

However, at this moment, the wizard's teleportation array lit up with another ray of light.

This made the guard wizard very surprised. Why did he come again? Could it be that he was going to the famous ancient city again?

But this time the figure coming out of the teleportation array made the leading wizard feel very weird.

Because the whole body is covered in the black robe, even the eyes are covered a lot, without revealing the slightest bit of his skin.

"I'm going to Minggu City, hurry up!"

A hoarse voice came out from the mouth of the burly figure.

This sounds very blunt, but at the moment the leader of the guardian wizard doesn't care so much, he just wants to finish the job well, and then take the wizard potion.

After teleporting this weird figure away, he just said strangely: "Everyone is going to Minggu City, did something really happen there... But it's still the elder A handsome, fair-skinned Lord Wizard, is a generous Lord Wizard, I hope he will get what he wants!"


No matter how loud the noise is, it will eventually come to an end.

And the fluctuating release of energy is also the result of this.

Although the sky seemed to be stained with a layer of lavender ripples, with the passage of time, these ripples disappeared without a trace under the spread of wind and clouds.

The terrifying energy fluctuations below are also constantly shrinking, revealing the final result of the battle.

A lot of smoke and dust scattered, and many buildings collapsed, almost turning the location of the wizard's teleportation array into ruins.

However, it seems that the wizard's teleportation array is relatively late.

At least the formation pattern of the teleportation array has not been affected by any damage, and it can support teleportation. This is also a way Polaris has left for himself.

There are specialized shelters.

If there is still power left, then the result of collisions in this battle and the collision of energy particles can also determine who wins and who loses.

The smoke and dust were blown away by a breeze that came from nowhere, revealing the scene in the field.

"Cough cough..."

A cold female coughing sound rang out, as if she was a little tired and in a very bad condition. .

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