Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

[139] A Wizard Who Died Because He Was Too Powerful! (Seeking Subscription)

There are ruins all over the ground, rocks everywhere, broken floors, potholes, and some steel are also corroded and melted...

It's hard to imagine that this is the relatively self-ordered and glorious wizarding area before, and it is simply incomparable to the worst slums.

It seems to have experienced the baptism of falling meteorites.

"Cough cough cough..."

The woman's coughing sound was extremely obvious in this dead environment, and it was accompanied by coughing and some swallowing sounds.

The smoke and dust dissipated, revealing a figure, the figure of Polaris.

She didn't have the slightest injury on her body, and even the wizard robe on her body didn't have the slightest wrinkle.

With such a good state, it is obvious that she won, and she won very thoroughly and easily.

Not far from her, in a huge pit of ruins, lay three corpses.

These are three corpses that don't look like anyone. They have been corroded into a dead gray color, and their vitality has been completely deprived.

A large amount of gravel hit the corpse, causing a bloody mess.

To be precise, the bloody flesh doesn't exist anymore, it's already a mess of rotten flesh.

Because all the vitality in the body has been corroded.

Just a slight touch will cause the corresponding flesh and blood to rot directly.

It's like the unbearable sense of decay after countless years.


Polaris coughed again, and her chest continued to rise and fall. She was originally standing, but at this moment she could no longer support this state, and could only half kneel.

There is still that dark purple energy phantom on his body, and the rocks falling from the sky are all blocked by this energy phantom.

Let her not be hurt by some accidents.

In addition, she has some deep meaning in it, that is, she is worried that the interception this time has not been completely over.

The intrigue is far from being so simple.

If it were her, she would have wasted so much effort and put a limit wizard apprentice on the brink.

Definitely will prepare multiple hands, and then have the means to kill.

This should be just an arrangement to consume her energy particles.

Polaris looked at the bodies of the three Weasley brothers.

She really didn't expect that the person behind the scenes would be able to invite these three guys.

It is relatively tricky, so she has to use her real power.

Although it was very easy to crush these three guys and kill them.

But it doesn't mean that Polaris has nothing to pay.

In some respects, Polaris' current physical condition, a serious condition, is no more serious than a serious injury.

All this was not caused by the three Weasley brothers, but by herself.

"Has it reached such a point? Once the power is used, there is no way out, and there is no end. You can only burn with all your strength and bloom your dazzling brilliance

Polaris murmured to himself:

"Ahem...... The path of the wizard is a stage that will never return. You can only go on forever, and you can retreat, and then choose the existence of a new path of the wizard, and at least, In wizarding history, "it is impossible to appear...

Polaris presumably has figured it out.

Many dark purple scars have appeared on her hands, which are the negative results caused by the energy particles in her body.

Because of the result of the full-scale explosion of Youye's energy particles, the evolution has already begun.

From this moment on, the energy particles in her body will continue to evolve until they reach the end that the wizard's path can support.

Then there is the process of being promoted to an official wizard, accepting the test of will from the wizarding world, and facing it head-on.

But there is a very fatal problem in front of Polaris.

That is her physical state, unable to support such a change.

Originally, he had been looking for various methods to increase the strength of his physical body.

I was trying my best to suppress this process of transformation, but I didn't expect it to be triggered in advance.

"I understood that from the very beginning, the existence behind the scenes didn't hope that I would die under the hands of the three Weasley brothers. He just wanted to trigger this process of me, the process of my transformation."

Polaris coughed a few more times, but the coughing sound had become a little weaker.

There was even some blood welling up in her throat, which she forcibly swallowed.

The process of metamorphosis, once started, has no possibility of stopping.

This is irreversible.

Just as the wizard's road can only go forward, not backwards.

Polaris also understands this cruel truth very well.


Otherwise, the success rate of extreme wizard apprentices advancing to full-time wizards would not be so low.

To be honest, she herself does not have any confidence in her existence.

Especially in the case of elicitations that are elevated at this stage.

The inside of the body is like a furnace, and it is still adding firewood to it, continuing to burn.

And the material of the stove itself is not enough to support such a burning, and the stove will burn through and burn out soon.

But once the flame is extinguished, it will completely prevent the stove from burning again.

There was a tired smile on Polaris's face, and something seemed to come to his eyes, recalling some pictures.

At this time, Angelet must have come out of the place he wanted to go.


I also saw the things I left behind.

And those things should be able to produce great help.

What a failure in this life!

The only thing to be proud of is meeting him, or being able to get to where he is now.

After all, he was born in a family that has no human rights and has been slaves for generations.

No one knows about the hardships and efforts that have been made so far.

Only Polaris knows how difficult that is.

So she is also very proud of it.

"I might be the first wizard who died because I was too strong, really......"

A complex expression appeared on Polaris' face, and she did not expect such a result.

The three Weasley brothers said that they were not strong, but the trick of cutting the net was too disgusting, which led to such a result.

She had to bring out her true strength.

Neither will witchcraft have any effective effect.

To be precise, Polaris should be restrained.

But Polaris has not completely lost its ability to fight. '

On the contrary, as the condition of her physical body got worse, her strength became stronger and stronger.

It might even be possible to reach the level of a formal wizard at the moment before the physical body completely collapses.

Polaris was extremely looking forward to seeing that scene.

chi chi!

A small voice suddenly rang out!!

Changes, as expected by Polaris, began to occur again... Four

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