I will present this box of silver sand as a gift to the most beautiful pearl in Lennon City, the most dazzling person in my heart—Master Timos!"

The boy bowed and saluted towards the No. 1 private room where Timos was located.

"Lord Timos, please allow a humble admirer to offer you a sincere blessing."

Immediately, there was a sound of good-natured laughter from the surrounding venue.

"Logan, your skills are indeed not small." Some teenagers who knew him shouted one after another.

The surrounding aristocratic girls also faintly showed envy.

In room 1.

Angelet couldn't help laughing out loud. Turning his head to look at Timos on the sofa.

"Someone is courting you, I'm really envious, tens of thousands of gold coins are delivered to your door casually.

There was also a hint of complacency on Timos' face.

"Hmph, he's smart." He didn't let go, but his little face looked very happy. Obviously, the opponent's move greatly satisfied his vanity.

This is just a small episode. Master Logan of the Michelle family spent a lot of money for the beautiful Lord Timos, and it will also be spread among the noble circles of the entire famous ancient city.

Next, there is an antique vase with a black gooseneck, which is said to be from when the Fraso people still existed. It has a history of thousands of years from now.

Naturally, Angelet wasn't interested in this antique. Di Moss is not a person who likes to collect antiques either. Did not participate in the bidding either. However, it was also sold for two thousand gold coins.

Immediately afterwards, four pieces in a row were all antiques, nothing special. More than half an hour passed quickly.

"Next, the antiques in front are treasures from a collector. Leather books from the Flasso era. Books that were preserved ten times ago!" The old auctioneer introduced loudly.

A charming girl in a translucent white gauze dress stepped onto the stage holding a silver plate. There was a thick dictionary-like book on the plate. Brown leather, and there is a belt with a buckle.

"An ancient book from thousands of years ago, and the inheritance of knowledge from the mysterious and powerful Flasso people. Perhaps any noble who likes collection and knowledge will not let this treasure go." The old man advertised loudly.

In private room No. 1, Angelet looked at the tome from a distance, and slowly drank the fruit wine in the glass.

"Angelet, do you know Fraso?" Timos asked curiously from the side.

"Know a little bit." Angelet nodded.

"Then what is recorded in that book? Can you see it clearly on the cover?" Timos asked.

"The cover is 'My dear Paul, may you have eternity in heaven." It seems to be a memorial book, or a memoir or something. ’ Angelet replied casually.

"That would be boring." Timos shrugged.

The quotation below has risen to 20,000 gold coins. The three private rooms next to the No. 1 private room also participated in the bidding. There are a total of 4 private rooms in the entire venue. Except Timos and Angelet, everyone else participated in the bidding. For a while, the atmosphere seemed lively.


The little hammer hit it hard.

"34,000 gold coins. Congratulations, Mr. Keynes, this book is yours." The old auctioneer said loudly.

After the books were removed. A heavy white box was slowly lifted up by four people. .

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