"The following are the main items for sale in this auction." The auctioneer picked up a piece of information, adjusted his glasses and said loudly.

"The Montrisa Stone, which symbolizes freedom and dreams. The most precious and beautiful peerless jewel!"

Following the voice of the auctioneer, the box was quickly opened.

Inside the large white case is a slightly smaller case. A girl opened the small box with a key. Inside was a smaller box.

Another girl stepped forward and opened it again with the key. Finally, a black diamond-shaped box was revealed inside. The middle surface of the box was patterned with complex silver-blue patterns, like a blooming silver-blue rose.

The last girl stepped forward and opened the box with the key again.

The lid of the box was slowly opened, and a glare of fluorescent light came out from the gap.

The moment the box lid was fully opened, there was a gasp in the audience.

"So beautiful....…."

"This is the most beautiful and perfect gem I have ever seen in my life..."

It is worthy of being called the most beautiful jewelry in the world—the Stone of Meng Lisa. "

Some aristocratic women tightly covered their small mouths, full of surprise and shock. Even the aristocratic men showed surprise in their eyes, and they stood up one after another and let out admiration.

In the box, an oval gemstone the size of an egg was lying quietly among the black silk bedding. The completely transparent crystal faintly refracts a colorful iridescent halo.

Angelet looked from the private room, but didn't feel anything. The size of man-made gemstones on earth is much larger than this. The appearance is not bad either. Of course he won't lose his composure.

On the other hand, Timos on the side looked fascinated.

"The Stone of Meng Lisa, the purest gemstone in the legend. It seems to be nothing but ornamental.

In the end, Menglisha Stone was sold at a price of 40,000 gold coins.

A month later, in the afternoon...

In the private mansion of Timos, the study room.

Angelet sat on the high-backed chair in the study with her legs crossed, holding a glass of green fruit wine in her hand and slowly drinking it.

Timos and another black-haired middle-aged nobleman sat on the side. He was discussing the topic of holy weapons with a calm expression.

"Sacred armament is a relatively advanced level of conceptual armament. However, in the situation of the auction that day, the speed of disappearing and leaving in an instant does not seem to be produced by conceptual armament with life energy as the main body. It is more like the means of those wizards." .” The middle-aged noble said slowly, frowning. Ordinary people did not see the momentary frozen scene, what they saw was the picture before and after the stagnation. It's like Anuya's teleportation, it's just a moment from one place to another.

`~A rare treasure like the Meng Lisa Stone is actually a conceptual weapon. This is what surprised me the most. "Di Mosi said, "Someone saw Anuya take Nisi away from Minggu City and into the forest outside the city. This matter has come to an end. Concept (Qian Zhao's) weaponry, such a legendary thing, is completely unattainable. We don't need to waste too much time on this. Moreover, the curse on the holy weapon can completely turn the holder into a killing machine. Even if this kind of thing is given to me, I don't want it. "

"Just losing this treasure, Anuya's family will probably decline from now on." The middle-aged man said with emotion, "The big family that was once prominent has withered because of a key treasure.".

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