"Angelet, you and I still need to talk about this?" Timos said with a smile under cover.

"Well, thank you this time." Angelet said casually, these medicine prescriptions are naturally not the medicine prescriptions of wizards, they are just medicines used by ordinary people. Angelet just wants to collect information from it to enrich the knowledge base. It costs at most a few thousand gold coins.

After leaving Timos mansion, Angelet got into the black carriage at the door. Headed towards the newly purchased residence manor.

During this month, he moved from the original shop to the new manor, and the cost was only more than 10,000 gold coins. Compared with the more than half a million gold coins he got from selling the body of the giant elephant, it was not a big expense.

Now Angelet, besides studying potion spells, meditating, and teaching Tia, has almost nothing to do every day. Occasionally go to Di Moss to drop by -.

On this day, Angelet suddenly received a letter from the Green Mother Wizard. The situation of the Northern Lights was not optimistic. Angelet had no choice but to stop making new tranquilizing potions, and sent the completed Elephant Heart Potion to the Green Mother Wizard. Time to start looking for tonics to heal the spiritual aspects of the Northern Lights. But before leaving Minggu City, I still have one thing to do.

The trees on the side of the road are bare, and the occasional passers-by are also dressed tightly. The whole street is gray and white. The sunlight sprinkled on the ground has almost no color, very light and very light.

"What day is it today? Old Tom." 17 Angelet asked the coachman aloud.

The driver was a coachman sent by the lord of Yalf to drive him. His name was Tom, but his surname was unclear. Maybe even the name is just a nickname.

"It's November already, seems to be the 18th, sir," answered Tom from outside the curtain of the carriage.

"Number 18? Hailan's side should be about the same." Angelet nodded and went directly to Twist Blue Prison. Don't go home yet.

"Good sir."

The carriage picked up speed on the deserted street. Turn left along a Y-shaped intersection ahead, and pick up a few withered yellow leaves on the ground.

Twisted Blue Prison, the only death row prison in Lennon City.

It is located in the most remote part of the city surrounded by woods.

Among the large green forests, a yellow manor-style building complex stands quietly.

The light yellow walls and sharp building roofs are like the tops of castles and churches. These buildings are surrounded by a circle of wooden fences, and outside the fences are teams of guards constantly patrolling. They were wearing black heavy armor, holding long swords or hammers, and all of them had indifferent faces.

0...asking for flowers...

In the buildings inside the fence, faint screams could be heard from time to time. That is the struggle of death row inmates before death.

A black carriage approached slowly along the path through the woods, and finally stopped on the grass outside the entrance of the fence.

"Here is the master." The coachman is a simple and honest middle-aged man with a short cut and dark skin.

The curtain of the car was opened, and a young man with a gloomy face stepped out of the car. He was dressed in a black hunting suit and long black leather boots. It looks a little cold.

This person is Angelet.

A group of patrolling guards took the initiative to meet them.

"Master Angelet?" asked the captain leading the team.

Angelet nodded.

"Master Dimos has given an order in advance, you can come in and out as you like. But it can only be you alone." The captain wore a helmet on his head, and his voice seemed a little husky.

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