"Understood." Angelet strode through the fence and walked towards the church-like building inside. The screams that came from inside from time to time became clearer.

There was a faint chill and tension in the air.

"What a nice place." He murmured softly.

The lawn under my feet is soft, like a blanket. Walking to the front of the building, Angelet lightly knocked on the heavy brown wooden door. "seven five seven"


With a click, a small window opened on the door, and a fat guard glanced at Angelet from the window.

"So it's Master Angelet, you're finally here. If you don't come, that guy will die soon." The fat guard muttered, and quickly opened the door with the sound of chains.

"As long as you're still alive." Angelet said flatly.

After the door was opened, there was a dark brown stone corridor inside, with small skylights on the walls on both sides. The light yellow sunlight slanted in from the skylight on the right, hitting the black ground, and a gust of cold and damp air rushed in .

Angelet frowned.

"That's how it is here, don't mind." The fat guard held a charcoal stove in his hand and smiled apologetically, "Why don't you take my small stove with me, it should be warmer." He offered to hand it over to Xiaohu.

"No need." Angelet tightened his collar again and strode in.

Along the corridor, you will soon come to a closed stone room. In the middle of the stone room is the entrance of a downward underground passage. Like a wellhead, looking inside the circular entrance, it is a staircase leading to an underground prison, with torches burning inside, brightly lit.

The shrill screams also came out more and more clearly from the passage.

Angelet went in along the entrance of the passage, and went down the stairs. There were rows of empty prisons on both sides, and disgusting feces and dark red blood could be vaguely seen through the iron bars. The air was full of mixed stench, and there was also the smell of decay.

A few patrolling guards walked towards them. A salute to Angelet. The captain who led the team ordered his subordinates to continue patrolling, but he continued to walk in with Angelet.

After turning a few turns, they turned into a side road, and the screams gradually died down.

And the stench in the air became more and more intense.

The captain walked to a prison door on the left side of the corridor, took out a large number of keys, and opened the prison door...

"The person you want to meet is in this room. But I suggest you hurry up, my lord. This person is infected, and he probably won't live long. He is half dead now." The captain whispered.

Angelet nodded and walked into the prison.

On the ground was a 'bed' made of yellow wheat stalks, on which a man in black lay motionless, the smell of excrement and feces mixed with the disgusting smell of festering wounds, and got into Angelet's nose. Even he couldn't help frowning.

"Are you still alive?" He stretched out his leather boots and kicked the man on the wheat stalk.

The man in black moved, and after a while, he turned his head with difficulty and opened his eyes. "...Who are you?" His voice was extremely small, like a moan and a 3.1 exhale.

Only then did Angelet notice that the figure in black had undulating curves and bumps, and it turned out to be a woman. Although she couldn't see her face, but looking at her eyes and facial contours, as well as the exposed skin color, it was obvious that she was a fair-skinned beauty.

However, he didn't have any special feelings. Before accomplishing the goal, no matter men or women, no matter how beautiful or ugly, they are just a target in his eyes. .

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