The mill room was only the size of a bedroom, with a window on one side and a cross-like glass window closed tightly. A young girl in red is lying on the window and looking out.

There are two wooden tables and some chairs in the corner. The two people who came in just now sat on two chairs. The man was carefully pouring black tea from the teapot for the old woman. The faint scent of tea permeates this small space.

Angelet sniffled, the aroma of this black tea was quite different from the tea that Timos gave him before leaving. So much so that he feels a little uncomfortable smelling now. If you drink too much good tea and then replace it with bad tea, you will feel very uncomfortable.

There were also two men dressed as coachmen sitting in another corner, whispering something.

Angelet looked around. The corners of the mill are full of cobwebs, and there are traces of white flour scattered on the ground of 283.

When he came in, he attracted the attention of two groups of people inside. But these people just glanced at him, and didn't intend to come over to talk to him. The girl in red turned around and looked at Angelet curiously. She wears a long red dress and little red leather boots with a red sash around her waist. It looks similar to the children of many minor nobles. But she actually held a thin leather book in her hand.

The pages of the book are being opened to the middle. When Angelet glanced over, he could vaguely see the delicate font on the writing.

' Griffith kissed affectionately, his hands tightly wrapped around Filia's waist, as if he wanted to rub her into his arms, turning into...

This is what Angelet accidentally scanned. Typical romance fantasy novel. It is also the most popular thing among noble girls now.

The girl in red seemed to realize that the book in her hand was leaking, and quickly closed it with a reddish face. He briskly walked to the old woman's side and carefully hammered the old woman's back.

Angelet instead strode to the window, looking out towards the sky.

The sound of fine raindrops gradually changed from small to large, and quickly became dense. Soon, the wheat field outside the window was completely covered in the slanting heavy rain, and it was a bit foggy.

Suddenly, at the gate of the mill, there was the flapping of wings and the sound of birds chirping. (aeed)

A big white bird half a person's height slowly landed at the door, shaking off the rainwater on its body, and walked into the mill. This big white bird looks almost like an eagle. But the feathers are white and the beak is red. That translucent bright red like a jewel. The black eyes are very agile. If you just look at the eyes, you may be regarded as human eyes.

It walked in slowly, and looked around at the humans in the mill.

"I came in to shelter from the rain, human, don't you mind?" The white bird actually spoke the standard Angmar language. The voice was steady and powerful, like the noise of a middle-aged man.

During more than a year of traveling, Angelet has long been used to various unreasonable places in the wizarding world.

"Of course. This is only a public place, the handsome Byrutin Eagle." The girl in red smiled and stepped forward. The middle-aged man and old woman behind him also stood up and saluted it from afar.

The two coachmen bowed their heads in awe and followed closely to salute. A look of sincerity and fear.

The Eagle of Byrutin nodded, seeming to be used to this kind of reverence from humans. Turning his gaze, he fell on Angelet who was standing by the window. .

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