Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

[169] The Ash Rat Fleeing To The Ancient City

"My family name is Kongbas, you can call me Mr. Kongbas. I came to Minggu City to track down an ember mouse. If any of you see it, please tell me directly, and I will report to you The upper echelons of the kingdom report truthfully. There will be a lot of rewards."

Angelet frowned slightly.

"Are you talking about the kind of rat that is covered in flames? And the place where it crawls will leave black ashes?" He suddenly asked. "Does this species still exist today?"

"You also know?" Kong Bass eyes showed a hint of surprise. Honorific terms are also used in titles. Although it is one of the guardian groups of the empire, its status is equivalent to that of a knight, and it is born with the strength of a reserve knight. But when encountering a strong person at a certain level, one must show enough respect~. Here are the rules.

And those who can know the detailed information of an ancient species like the Ash Rat are either learned masters or well-informed adventurers, and those who have knowledge are always respected. Even if he is not strong - he deserves his respect.

"Of course I know, I saw the record in a book." Angelet nodded. "As far as I know, the embers were almost extinct a hundred years ago because of their extremely low reproductive capacity. Why now...?"

Kongbas nodded and said: "You are indeed very knowledgeable. This ember rat is of great help to the kingdom in curing the plague. I don't know the details, I just follow orders."

"That's it... I'm sorry to disappoint you. I haven't seen it either. But I can give you some information. Ember rats generally like to hide in the hottest places in human settlements, such as large Fireplace...." Angelet smiled.

"Is that so? This is a very good key." Kongbas's eyes lit up, "Educated, tell me your name, if you find the target because of this, I will remember your favor this time."

"My name is Angelet, Angelet Leo." Angelet said with a smile.

The girl in red on one side and the others could only listen at the side, unable to intervene at all. For Angelet's erudition, they did not show respect, and they were completely different from Shi Shi.

Angelet and Kongbas talked for a few more words, then fell silent, quietly waiting for the rain to stop.

0...asking for flowers...

The Eagles of Bailuting are one of the kingdom's recognized guardian groups. It is a powerful species with a lofty status in the kingdom. Their intelligence is no different from that of humans. Although there are very few in number, each giant eagle has strong strength and sharp claws, which are enough to hunt and kill a variety of ferocious beasts. This phenomenon of coexistence of humans and other species can only be seen on the continent across the sea.


However, in recent years, the number of Bayrutin Eagles has also begun to rise rapidly. It is not surprising that they can be seen occasionally around the kingdom.

As time went by, the rain gradually became smaller and stopped after a while.

Angelet patted his clothes on and was the first to walk out of the mill. Behind him are Kongbas who came out waddlingly, as well as the girl in red and others.

Angelet got into the carriage, and Tom was about to drive away.

"Please wait a moment, Mr. Angelet." Kongbas' voice came from the side. It flapped its wings and flew to the roof of the carriage.

"Is there anything else?" Angelet asked Xi doubtfully. .

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