Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

[170] The Episode Is Over, Continue To Set Off

Kongbas pulled a white feather with his beak sideways, and then lightly flung it forward.

The feather floated slowly towards the top of Angelet's head. He was gently caught.

"This is one of my feathers. Maybe I will come to ask you some questions in the future. Let this feather be a small reward."

"Thank you very much then." Angelet nodded, pinching the white feather in his hand, Kongbas quickly flapped his wings and flew "030" into the sky, quickly flying towards the distance. Soon it disappeared into the distance.

Angelet picked up the feather and looked it over carefully. It is similar to the feathers of ordinary pigeons, but it is bigger and harder. It feels a bit like a white cycad leaf. The tip of the feather is very sharp.

It is easy to be punctured if you are not careful.

The light yellow fin tubes are connected with snow-white feathers, which looks very beautiful.

"It is said that the Eaglet of Byrutin can find the corresponding place and position by its own feathers. But this effect can only last for three days." Angelet's heart flowed with the corresponding knowledge. This is the knowledge he read in the miscellaneous books in the library of the college.

"And the main purpose of this feather is to repel insects. Generally, insects will naturally avoid the range of five or six meters where the feather is. Naturally, you don't have to worry about mosquito bites." Angelet put it under her nose and smelled it. There is a hint of mint aroma.

"Let's go, Tom." He put the feather in his waist pocket and said lightly.

Tom, who was looking at the direction in which Kumbas left in amazement, immediately pulled the rein.

"Good sir."

Amidst the sound of horseshoes, the carriage slowly left the mill and drove towards the main road.

After leaving the mill, Angelet and Tom continued to drive for more than ten days, stopped in a small town for supplies for a day, and then continued towards the northwest of the kingdom.

It was cloudy and rainy along the way, and the temperature was getting lower and lower. The surrounding woods and grasslands gradually became yellow and bare. More and more large and small white stones appeared in the surrounding environment, and the original plain area began to turn into uneven mountains.

At the beginning, I could occasionally meet some pedestrians, caravans, and carriages, but gradually I rarely met other people.

fifteen days later...

Between the snow-covered mountains is a blue-black grand canyon. In one of the canyons, the misty white mist is pervasive, and a faint white lane is winding. Row of carriages.....


The wheels of the carriage slammed into a sharp stone, making violent shaking and noise. The two white horses neighed loudly in pain. A large number of birds were startled in the woods on both sides. For a while, the sound of taking off and the sound of birds chirping can be heard endlessly.

"What's going on?" Angelet woke up from sleep, opened the car curtain and looked ahead.

"My lord, the wheel has been hit. It may need to be replaced. There is a spare one hanging at the back. It may be necessary to stop and wait for a while." Tom said loudly.

Angelet frowned 0.1, got up and got out of the carriage.

Surrounded by sparse tall pine-leaved trees, the leaves are dark green, and each one is tall and straight. The ground is full of uneven stones of various sizes, and occasionally small blue grass can be seen arching out from the cracks in the stones. The air is also cold and dry.

When Angelet got out of the car, he felt a gust of cool wind rushing towards his face, and the skin on his face felt a little tight. .

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