"How long will it take to fix it? This is already the Muse Mountains, and the nearest towns are at least five days away. It's not a good thing to stop here.

Tom shrugged. "Sir, an hour at most."

"Okay. Thanks to you this time, the monthly salary will be doubled when I go back." Angelet said lightly, "I'm walking around. If you have something to shout, I can hear you."

"Understood." Tom smiled, walked to the back of the carriage, and began to remove the spare wheel hanging from the back.

Angelet felt a little cold, so she took a white coat from the car and put it on. The fluffy white collar completely wrapped the entire neck, feeling very warm. With a bow and dagger, he slowly 04 slowly into the woods on the right.

Walking forward for a while, squatting down, Angelet leaned against a black bark pine tree, observing a black umbrella mushroom at the foot of the tree. The outside of the mushroom is black with white spots, and several yellow flying ants are crawling around on it.

Angelet squatted down, causing the ants to leave quickly. The Feather effect on the Byrudin Eagle seems to be working fine.

"Outsider, please stay away from my black mushroom, is that okay?" A childish voice came from above Angelet's head.

Angelet looked up and saw a furry brown squirrel huddled up on a pine tree branch and staring at him. Squirrels have a small tuft of white fur on the tip of their tail.

"You planted this?" Angelet asked. "But you're just a squirrel. It's the first time I've seen a talking squirrel."

"Of course. This is the kingdom. Many intelligent races have migrated here a long time ago. It's just that many races don't like to be close to the city." The squirrel swung its buttocks, flicked its big tail, and jumped off the squirrel gracefully.


It landed steadily on the side of the black mushroom.

"I am a bright squirrel, passers-by, this is already the Mosi Mountain Range, if you go further, you will be Yueqin Manor, look at your dress, where are you planning to go?"

Angelet crouched and looked down at the other. "I'm really planning to go to Yueqin Manor, can you give me some help? About this place? I will pay corresponding rewards. For example, some soft white bread, and salted peanuts."

"I've already told three groups of people this information. It's a pity that although I ate a lot of delicious food, most of these people didn't come back. If that's the case, do you still want to go?" Bright Squirrel replied.

"Tell me the news over there first." Angelet smiled.

"Okay." The little squirrel nodded helplessly, sat down next to the black mushroom, and slowly began to talk while leaning on the mushroom.

"I don't know who built Yueqin Manor, but compared to the 377 names of the manor, we prefer to call it Yueqin Garden, because it emits a strong fragrance of flowers every year. Except for you humans, no other race People dare to go in. I once saw an official knight lead a lot of soldiers in, but one soldier escaped with blood on his face. And people have become crazy.”

"Is there any precious medicinal material like dragon scale flower in it?" Angelet asked.

"Not only dragon scale flower, but also starlight grass, harding grass, giant eye flower, and many other precious plants." The squirrel answered affirmatively. in addition......".

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