Mosi Town, a deserted remote town. A street, with more than a dozen wooden houses lined up on both sides, is all the buildings that make up the town. A tavern, a grocery store, and a "small hotel" where people live and work part-time. There are only more than 100 residents in the whole town, which is a village if you count carefully. This is the information that Angelet asked someone to check before coming here.

The brown-yellow wooden houses are neatly arranged on both sides of the street, and the dirty gray road is under the feet. Occasionally, some wet ground can be seen on the side of the road, which is obviously wet from the dirty water poured out.

In the small town of 933, there was no one in sight for half a day. Angelet walked on the street, and could only feel a lot of sights falling on him from the windows on both sides.

Going forward along the street, on the right side of the town, there is a small three-story building. It was actually built with pale yellow stone bricks. A black horse was tied to the side of the house and was gnawing the lawn with its head down. In addition, there was a carriage parked, also a two-horse carriage with two rows, the body was white, and the black heraldic seal of the scales was printed on it.

Two men dressed as servants were chatting beside the carriage.

Angelet walked in front, and Tom (aecg) followed behind in a carriage. The sound of the horse's hooves immediately attracted the attention of the two servants, and one of them rushed into the stone brick house, probably to report.

Angelet approached the stone brick house, just in time to see a wooden sign hanging on the iron fence outside, on which was written crookedly in Angmar language: hotel accommodation.

This is two young men coming out of the brick house. One is plainly dressed, that is, gray linen clothes, with short brown hair and a smile on his face. He seems to be the owner of the place. And the other person who came out from behind was wearing a dark red robe, with a calm face, not handsome, but not ugly, although he looked ordinary, but he just stood at the door, his eyes moved with Ann, calmly But there was a hint of strangeness in it, and the first time Angelet entered the hotel, he looked at Angelet.

Here the hotel owner took the initiative to talk, and Angelet gave Tom a compliment, and Tom stepped forward to answer.

"Welcome, welcome, I'm Steven, Bellets, residents here, are you here to stay?" the owner of the hotel came over and asked loudly.

"Of course, Mr. Steven, what's the price?" Tom got out of the carriage, stepped forward and began to bargain with the owner.

"Fifteen silver coins per person per night."

"It can be less, it's too expensive, fourteen."

"But customers, this is the price we have always had here, and it hasn't changed."

"You just need less, and we'll pay you all in one lump sum."


Here, the coachman Tom was negotiating the price with the owner, but Angelet met the man in the red robe. He saw a red flame pattern embroidered on the high collar of the man.

"Hello." The other party came over to greet him.

Angelet smiled back. "Santiago?" he asked in a low voice.

The man in the red robe shook his head: "It's better not to mention these things when you're away from home."

"That's right." Angelet nodded.

The man in the red robe stepped aside, revealing the door of the hotel: "There are two comrades inside, no matter where you come from, we all have the same purpose. Please come in first."

Angelet was not polite either, striding into the first floor of the hotel. .

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