In the living room on the first floor, three mahogany round tables are placed in the shape of horns, and two groups of people are sitting on two of the tables.

The one on the left is a person who is completely covered in a black cloak, and his face is covered, so it is impossible to tell whether it is a man or a woman. At the other table, sat an old man with gray hair, and a girl in a hunting suit with an ordinary face but a beautiful figure.

Angelet's entry made the eyes of the old and the young shrink slightly. The old man frowned faintly. It seems that he doesn't want to see Angelet appear.

Angelet walked to the empty table and sat down. The atmosphere in the living room was a little awkward and dull. The man in the red robe also walked in and sat down beside the man in the black robe. Close your eyes, not sure if you are meditating or resting.

Throughout the living room, the three tables maintained a subtle tacit understanding, and no one spoke first.

Angelet felt the traces of energy particles from these people, which means that these people are at least second-class apprentices, but it is unlikely that they dared to come here after hearing Yueqin Manor A stronger kind of apprentice.

Not long after, Tom negotiated the price with the owner, walked in, said a few words with Angelet, and then went out again. He needs to watch the carriage in case things are stolen.

Moments later, just after lunchtime, a fat woman in a gray and white apron walked in with a large tray and began distributing food to three tables.

On every table are dark jerky, wheat cakes and piping hot mushroom soup. Angelet picked up the wheat cake and took a bite. It was very dry and brittle, just like soda crackers on earth, with a bit of saltiness. The jerky was just like a stone. Angelet threw a piece into his mouth and chewed it for a long time without breaking it. In the end, he swallowed it directly. Only the mushroom soup was not bad, Angelet picked up the mushroom soup and poured down the rest of the food.

Seeing that he had finished eating, the shop owner came over and whispered something to him, and the two got up and walked to the second floor.

The room on the right side of the innermost floor on the second floor is the residence arranged by the owner of the hotel for Angelet. Except for the bed and a table with a set of drinking utensils inside, there is nothing else. There is still a faint smell of dust in the air, and it seems that it has not been long since the group has been packed.

0…ask for flowers……

Angelet readily paid him and Tom two months' rent in one lump sum. The hotel owner walked out of the room with a smile on his face.

After resting in the room for a while, Angelet began to meditate as usual.

For apprentices, the meditation method is not limited, but differs according to the different concepts of the organization. But the actual effect is not much different. What determines whether an apprentice can be promoted to a wizard, apart from the basic qualifications and grades, is the accumulation and comprehension of knowledge. Of course, the water of Yasu and defensive spells are also essential. Therefore, all the meditation methods of the academy that Ram answered were taught to the apprentices from the very beginning. The method of meditation is not very important, after all, the corresponding level can only be performed according to the corresponding method.

The days at the hotel passed by without incident.

Angelet and the rest of them didn't have much communication, they just nodded at each other occasionally when they came in and out, so they weren't familiar with each other. .

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