
The safari girl stood there and her eyes soon filled with tears. She stomped her feet lightly, and when she saw the giant pincer warrior getting closer, she turned around and rushed into the small door.

Angelet ran wildly in the grass. A large area of ​​plants and trees around quickly passed by. After entering the small wooden door, there is a barren cemetery. Occasionally, some white tombstones can be seen neatly arranged in a row. It's just that no one takes care of it for a long time, and the weeds and trees almost divide the entire cemetery into small pieces.

"Although the Giant Claw Warriors have force field protection, they are not difficult to deal with creatures that pay 520. The most important point is that they have always lived in groups." Angelet kept flashing pieces of relevant information in his mind.

"There are at least four to five at a time. I'm fine with two or three, but there's obviously more than that." Angelet put the green heart back into his waist pouch. different things.

After thinking for a while, he took out another small ball from a waist pocket. The ball is like the egg of some kind of creature, translucent like Amber, showing a touch of green. It is about the same size (aefa) as Angelet's billiard ball in his previous life, and it fits in the palm of his hand.

When he was about to leave, he had a whim. Seeing the little girl's kindness, he asked her to follow in a low voice. If she believed in Angelet, then he could save her once. If she didn't believe it, it doesn't matter. Kindness.

As for the man in black robe and the man in red robe on the other side, Angelet probed a little before leaving, but the condition was not very good. The man in red robe was only a second-class apprentice, and he could only have some fighting power with a magic ring, and now the ring Have used it twice and it is unlikely that it will still work. The man in the black robe is a bit like relying on potions, his constitution is very weak, and he didn't take out any magic items at the critical moment. The actual combat power is weak, and he was injured. Seeing how he ran from the beginning, he didn't know if he could survive. go out.

"If that little girl comes along, I can just learn more about the situation here from her mouth." Angelet jumped forward, threw herself into the grass on one side, rolled a few times in it, and then began to move slowly stand up. At the same time, he hid his initiative in the grass. Waiting quietly for other movements.

After moving for a while, Angelet stopped completely. He squatted quietly in the grass, surrounded by bushes as high as a person, completely covering him, and he couldn't see the slightest shadow at all.

The sky was still gloomy, and the thick clouds were also faintly black, and it looked like it might be raining.

Angelet squatted in the grass, some tiny leaves touched his face, a little itchy. The grass was a little damp, and a few tiny black bugs were flying around beside him.

The reason why Angelet dared to lurk here so much. It is precisely because he recognized these small insects, according to his own database, these small insects are a kind of common insects that he has collected data on the grassland, non-toxic, and like to eat grass roots. Common insects in positive energy environments.

But he didn't wait for long, and soon, there was a faint sound of dense footsteps. There are three in total.

One is a bit messy, and the other two are very hasty and heavy.

Angelet's whole body is completely lying in the grass [after using the owl witch, the outline of the main figure who is approaching here is outlined in the field of vision. He doesn't need to leave the grass to go..

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