From the figure, the sound of heavy footsteps, and the shape of the palms, Angelet could tell that the girl who had heard his words was running up in front, and the two giant pincer warriors were chasing up behind.

It is not far from the small wooden gate, only about tens of meters, and there is only one way to go, so it is the only way to go. But at such a short distance, the girl was about to be overtaken by the giant pincer warrior behind. It can be seen that their speed is indeed as fast as Angelet judged, very fast.

The footsteps gradually got closer.

Angelet bowed his head and closed his eyes, the sound coming from his mind was enough to form an image.

He held the dagger at his waist with his right hand, and gently pulled out a gap.

Everything around seemed to be quieter. "The sound of Zhongyou's footsteps is getting closer and closer. It keeps wandering in this cemetery. Even breathing and heartbeat are getting weaker and inaudible. Angelet's breath is becoming more and more silent.


The footsteps are getting closer, getting closer...

Angelet suddenly opened his eyes, and the whole person rushed out.


"Ah!-!" There was a scream.

A female giant pincer warrior stepped back a few steps while covering her eyes, blood continued to overflow from between her fingers.

Angelet held the dagger in his backhand, and stood quietly not far away, with blue fluorescent lights in his eyes.

"Nuribas!" Another warrior man with giant pincers showed a mixed expression of shock and anger. Turning his face away, he yelled a few words at Angelet, in an unknown language, and then he raised his giant tongs and rushed forward ferociously. The speed is extremely fast, almost a yellow shadow.

Angelet muttered a sentence in a low voice, and the dagger slammed into his chest.


The two of them took two steps back respectively, and they had almost the same strength.

The difference was that Angelet used the force of the block to turn around, and the dagger drew a silver line along the way, stabbing at the opponent again.

Two red lights suddenly flew out from the tip of the dagger, one flew halfway and then dissipated abruptly, and the other instantly sank into the head of the giant pincer warrior, and his movements immediately sluggish.

The dagger easily pierced into the warrior's eye socket, almost halfway into it.

Angelet pulled it out, and a yellow eyeball fell out with blood and rolled onto the road.

0…ask for flowers…………

The giant pincer warrior took two steps back, and finally fell to his knees with a bang, and did not move anymore. The other samurai capable of giant pincers also died in the same way, lying on the side of the road long ago. Wisps of red blood slowly flowed from the eye sockets of the two of them.

"Without precautions, it is impossible for the Claw Warrior to activate the force field protection anytime and anywhere. Even with precautions, two quick spell attacks can enter through the turbulent gap in the force field. You are unlucky to meet me." Angelet shook Shaking his head, he vigorously shook off the blood and brains on the dagger, and put his backhand back into his waist.


The girl had collapsed to the ground at this time, her legs were weak, and she could hardly stand up. She panted heavily, her face turned pale, "It seems that the running just now cost her most of her energy.

"Are you all right?" Angelet glanced at her and asked.

"It's...not bad." The girl answered quickly. "Thank you." There were scars all over her body that she didn't know how to get.

"It's fine." Angelet nodded, walked to the side of the two corpses, carefully dipped some blood on the ground, put it into his mouth and tasted it. .

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