Angelet stepped out of the path of Yueqin Manor, and the surroundings were instantly brightened. The dark red sky disappeared, replaced by bright and dazzling sunlight.

He couldn't help stretching out his hands to cover his eyes, unable to adapt to the sudden light change for a while.

There were bursts of crisp birdsong in my ears, and the heavy panting of the woman behind me.

Finally... finally escaped!!" The woman sat down on the ground, gasping for breath without any image.

"The manor of the Dead Realm, which is between fantasy and reality..." The woman murmured in a low voice, wiping the tears on her face vigorously.

After 947 adjusted to the light, Angelet vigilantly looked in the direction of Yueqin Manor, where weeds were still overgrown, and there was no sign of anyone stepping on it. It was as if neither of them had ever been in at all.

"Don't worry, there will be no danger." The woman stood up, revealing a beautiful innocent face. Mixed with elegance and nobility, it really looks like what a princess should be.

Her earlobes were wearing silver studs, which were emitting a faint white light, and she didn't know what it was for.

Angelet was a little relieved when she heard what she said, and hurriedly checked what he had learned.

A pair of giant tongs, and a large handful of medicinal materials he grabbed at random, were randomly stuffed into his waist pocket. When he ran, he grabbed the best material.

"It's a big harvest this time." Angelet's heart gradually calmed down, and instead a deep sense of joy emerged.

"I have something for you. I will remember this life-saving grace. My name is Dilanya. See you later." The woman put on her cloak again to cover her head, and handed Angelet a tube-like Brownish red stuff. There are glass sheets at both ends, like a telescope.

After Angelet took it, Princess Dilanya simply turned around and trotted away.

Angelet took a last look at the path of Yueqin Manor, stood there for a while, and then walked towards the town with a solemn expression.

"If I could, I (aedc) would never want to come to this place again."

He murmured under his breath.

Following the road in the town, Angelet quickly returned to the former Mosi town.

The town was still silent, and there was no sound in the houses on both sides.

There is a faint white mist floating in the air. Not even sunlight could dispel the fog.

Angelet walked slowly on the main road in the middle of the town, scanning left and right.

These wooden houses are very quiet, and the sound of the sun cannot be heard.

Puchi puchi......

Amidst the sound of flapping wings, a black crow flew from the roof on the right, stopped on the eaves, and looked at Angelet dully with red eyes.

The crow didn't call, it just stood quietly on the eaves, quietly.

Angelet glanced at it, ignored it, and continued walking towards the end of the town.

There was a harsh sound of the fence door being opened, Angelet frowned and moved lightly, and walked into the gray-white stone brick building.

Outside the small building, the three carriages were still there, and a total of four horses were still lying on the ground, seemingly soundly asleep. Beside one of the carriages, the coachman Tom was sleeping soundly on the carriage.

Angelet walked over, knelt down, and shook Tom's head.

"Hey, Tom, wake up, wake up." Angelet shook vigorously, at the same time stretched out her finger, and gently tugged behind Tom's right ear. .

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