"Well..." Tom moaned, and opened his eyes in a daze. "My lord...how are you here?"

"We should go." Angelet said in a deep voice. Standing up and walking to the side of the two black horses, he also pulled behind the ears. Soon, the two black horses also slowly woke up.

"Going away?" Tom was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately realized. "Okay, okay, I'll get ready right away!"

"The owner here is asleep, and everyone around is also asleep. Get ready, we'll leave here immediately. This place is not suitable for staying for long." Angelet always felt uncomfortable here. But I can't say it~.

After coming to this small town for so long, except for the owner of this hotel, he has never met other residents of the town. Even when he entered the town to ask for directions, it was Tom who asked.

Tom responded, but also felt that there was no sound of people around, and there was a creepy smell, so he shivered, and hurried to prepare gifts on the road.

Angelet walked around the courtyard by himself, and walked around the other two carriages. He didn't know what happened to the other three people, whether they were dead or not. The situation at that time was very strange. The two small doors they ran into didn't lead to the same place at all. So for the other three, Angelet has no clue. And that princess was in a hurry and didn't even have a chance to ask her. But judging by her appearance, it is very likely that they have encountered other dangers besides the giant pincer warrior.

Angelet shook his head and didn't think about it anymore. While Tom was preparing things, he walked out of the courtyard and walked to a wooden house on the left, ready to take a look inside. Ask two local residents about the situation.

Going to the left along the outside of the courtyard, there is a small wooden double-storey building surrounded by a wooden fence. The whole house is built of mahogany, and it looks old and a bit dilapidated.

The gate of the fence was locked tightly, Angelet turned over and easily jumped over the half-person-high fence. Into the yard.

The yard is full of weeds, and Mr. Xiping doesn't often take care of them.

Angelet walked slowly to the door, stretched out his hand to press on the red wooden door, and pushed gently.


After a crisp sound, the door slowly opened, and a trace of black mist slowly returned to Angelet's fingertips. This is a simple use of negative energy to corrode the wooden bolt. Of course, if it is a complicated door lock, there is no way to open it like this.

0...asking for flowers...

As soon as the mahogany door was opened, a choking smell of dust rushed over.


Angelet couldn't help coughing twice. With a flick of the finger, a gust of wind suddenly blows in the room, blowing a large amount of dust out of the door.

After waiting for the dust to clear away, Angelet walked into the room.

"This is... what's going on?" As soon as he entered the room, he was slightly stunned.

The whole house was empty, there was nothing, no one, only neat wooden tables and chairs. Brown bows and arrows hung on the walls, and thick cobwebs covered the fireplace mouth.

Angelet walked slowly into the room and stepped on a dropped spoon with a click.

What about the expected sleeping neighbor?

Angelet narrowed his eyes. His face suddenly became extremely ugly. He turned around and ran out of the house, and checked the surrounding houses one by one.

half an hour later...

"What's going on..." Angelet's forehead was slightly sweaty. .

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