In the small town, although his body became hot due to exercise, his heart was cold.

All houses! All!

It's all empty!

No people, no inhabitants, not even dead bodies, no rats. Just an empty space, nothing but dust or dust.

"Then where are the people I felt and saw when I entered the town?" Angelet felt a little nervous. "four five seven"

He stood in the middle of the town street with goose bumps all over his body. The surrounding white mist is hazy, and it seems to be covered with a mysterious and strange atmosphere.

"Hiss......Hoo...." He took a deep breath, trying to hold himself back as much as possible, and quickly walked towards the hotel.


With a creak, Angelet pushed open the fence and walked into the hotel yard.

"Tom! Come on, we have to get out of here!" he yelled.

But the whole yard was quiet, and no sound came out.

Angelet was taken aback suddenly, he had a bad premonition.

After scanning around, the two black horses beside the carriage were still standing there, blowing white gas from their nostrils from time to time. But Tom didn't know where, Angelet's shouts should not be heard in such a small place.

Angelet slowly touched the dagger at his waist, pulled it out gently, and held it in his hand. The footsteps were light and quick around the house, and walked to the backyard.

The backyard is a place like a kitchen, and you must come here to prepare supplies. The wheat for the horses must also be bought from here.

Through some dense bushes. A small open space appeared in front of Angelet.

On the open space, a conjoined room was built connecting the small building. There is a chimney on the top, which should be the kitchen.

Angelet turned around inside and shouted for a while, but he didn't see Tom at all.

"Damn!!" he cursed under his breath. Knowing that this place can't stay any longer. I hurriedly grabbed some beans and fodder for the horses, and hurried back to the front yard.

Turned over into the driving seat.


With a flick of the reins, the two horses walked out slowly along the open courtyard. Pulling the carriage, he quickly ran up the main road of the town.

"Tom is missing too..." Angelet's scalp was numb, "I just saw him just now..."

"Where are the people we met here more than a month ago? Obviously, what we ate and drank in this month were all real 0...and what about the hotel owner? Why did the other houses It is full of thick dust, which is at least the thickness that can be accumulated for many years..."

Angelet's thoughts swirled, and the more he thought about it, the weirder he felt.

"Drive!" He shook the reins again, and the two black horses immediately accelerated, pulling the carriage and running quickly.

ten minutes later.....…

The carriage quickly left the town of Mosi. Go through the fork and run quickly in the direction you came from.

Angelet was sitting in the driving seat, the cold wind blowing in front of him made him a little more awake. My heart is also much calmer.

The dense forests on both sides of 5.1 soon turned into sparse and tall pine forests. Blocks of off-white stones gradually appeared on the ground.

Angelet remembered this place, this area was the place where he met the bright squirrel when he first came here.

He couldn't help but look towards the woods on the left, expecting to see the little squirrel again. For some reason, he suddenly had an urge to suppress and long to see the living thing. .

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