The wheels of the carriage rumbled, and soon, a squirrel sitting on the grass with two legs slumped, hugging a nut and eating happily appeared in his vision.

"...." Angelet stopped the carriage quickly. Roll over and walk quickly towards the squirrel.

"Hey, are you here again?" Bright Squirrel greeted familiarly, looked up at Angelet. "How? What are the gains?"

Angelet smiled reluctantly. "It's okay, the goal has been achieved. He squatted in front of the squirrel. The faint sense of panic in his heart quickly subsided like a tide.

The heavy depression also slowly began to dissipate.

"The elders in our 04 forest want to meet you, how about that? Are you going?" the squirrel asked.

"Senior citizens?"

"Well, actually, I just want to buy some of the things you gave me last time. We live in the woods next to the main road, and the purpose is also for the convenience of buying and selling." Squirrel said briefly.

"I didn't bring much snacks..." Angelet hesitated.

"It doesn't matter, no matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat." The squirrel said boldly, waving its paws.

"Okay..." After talking to the little squirrel, Anger suddenly felt much more relaxed.

"Come with me." The little squirrel took a bite of the nut, got up and walked towards the woods.

"What about my carriage?" Angelet was taken aback.

"My companion will show you." The little squirrel pointed at the carriage.

Angelet looked back, just in time to see a little black squirrel standing on the roof of the carriage, waving in this direction.

"Eren~~Go all the way~~~" The little guy pulled a small handkerchief and waved it this way.


A nut hit the little guy's head with precision. The black squirrel fell at the sound.

"Go to your sister!! I'm not dead yet!" Bright Squirrel said viciously, patting its paws, "Okay, let's continue walking."

Angelet held back a smile, "So your name is Eren."

"That's my nickname." Eren shrugged.

One person and one mouse soon disappeared into the woods.

"Eren! I want to break up with you!!" The black squirrel called from behind. "And so is my sister!!"

Through a large woodland, Angelet followed Eren and soon came to a large lake.

White mist permeated the blue lake, and the whole lake was so huge that at first glance, it was impossible to see the opposite bank. Like a sea.

A brown wooden platform extends far into the lake. Below is the tall wooden feet supporting the entire wooden board of Weicuo at the bottom of the lake. It's like a bridge to the center of the lake.

Angelet just walked to the lake, standing outside the wooden platform, she was a little speechless.

At the end of the wooden bridge, a white cat is standing upright on its legs, looking at the lake with its hands behind its back, sighing endlessly, with a sense of vicissitudes. I don't know what it is feeling, but 510 seems to have a fishing rod at its feet...

"Little Eren, are you bringing guests over?" The white cat turned his face slowly, his voice was old and very emotional.

"Yes!! Elder!!" Eren yelled loudly, "He brought the delicious food we need!"

"I said, why are you yelling..." Angelet said speechlessly.

"The elder's ears are not very good..." Eren shrugged helplessly.

"Salted peanuts? This is my favorite." The white cat nodded.

"How many peanuts do you have?" he asked.

Angelet recalled: "About a kilogram."

"What? Not for sale?" The white cat was taken aback. .

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