What are you trying to do!" he asked sharply.

"Help me! Please help me!" The girl cried and approached him step by step.

"Answer my last question!" Angelet clearly felt something was wrong. The appearance of the girl is too weird. It seemed that no matter where he was, she could find him accurately, and then suddenly appeared by his side.

"Problem? What's the problem?" The girl was stunned.

"Where did you go that day in the courtyard?" Angelet asked in a deep voice.

"The courtyard? What courtyard?"

With a whimper, the fire suddenly went out for a moment. Angelet's eyes blurred, and the girl disappeared again.

"Damn it!" He cursed in a low voice, only to realize that his forehead was covered in cold sweat.

After more than ten days, Angelet is finally about to return to Nago~ City.

Finally, I rested overnight in a small town on the way, and returned to Minggu City in one breath after preparing. The girl seemed to be no longer around Angelet because of the distance. This made him very relieved. There were several strange appearances in succession, but the system did not prompt. And the records of the system afterwards are also blank. Nothing at all. This made him feel more and more - a sense of insecurity.

Moreover, the time of that crazy woman seems to stay in that moment in the courtyard forever. She's always yelling for help, always showing up when Angelet is alone.

"It should be because the distance is too far, this kind of weird power can't be affected. I can finally breathe a sigh of relief."

In the hotel room, Angelet rubbed his temples, stood up wearily, walked to the place where the kettle was placed, and poured himself a glass of water.

"Please help me!" An abrupt female voice came from behind him.

Angelet froze, the voice was behind him, very close. As if sticking to his back.

He turned around slowly and stiffly.

The girl in the red skirt stood quietly in the corner of the room, there were no windows around, and the only door was always in the direction Angelet was facing. He didn't see anyone coming in at all!

"Please, save me!" The girl looked anxious, staring straight into Angelet's eyes without blinking.

"Go to hell!!" Angelet yelled violently. With a wave of his hand, the silver dagger suddenly came out of his hand, spinning and flying towards the girl.


The dagger was nailed to the wall, there was no girl in the red dress in the room, only Angelet.

0…ask for flowers………

He wiped his face, covered in cold sweat.

"This is fucking!!" His temples were bruised, and there was a trace of ferocity on his face.

"Damn it!! What the hell is going on!!"

Suddenly, a slight curved light lit up from the package on the bed.

Angelet was stunned for a moment, and suddenly a trace of ecstasy appeared on his face.

He rushed over and opened the package. On the back of the gray robe stacked inside, a cross is slowly but firmly releasing a whitish light.

"It's the tutor! The tutor's call!! You can go back to the academy!!" Never once, Angelet felt that the scary old witch tutor was so cute. that he was so eager to

to see her. The gray robe's glow only lasted for a short while, and then slowly faded away.

Quickly put away the gray robe, Angelet rewrapped the package, and then put the big pliers in the black pocket.

The lights in the room were still bright, but Angelet's heart was all hairy because of what happened to the girl in the red dress just now. .

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