"Go straight back to the academy first!" Angelet swallowed, walked over and pulled out the dagger from the wall. Retract the leather sheath around his waist.

"It's almost certain now that it must be the owner of the manor. I triggered some trap left by me." Angelet suddenly recalled the few little red-capped mushrooms he saw when he first entered the botanical garden.

He always felt as if he had seen it somewhere. "Zero Seven Zero" Angelet's eyes flashed with disappointment. Like the girl in the red dress, he has no impression of the red hat mushroom in his mind, which means that his current database is too incomplete. Most of the information he mastered was the information he collected on the Anser Grassland. For some special breeds, especially those in the wizarding world, there is very little information on him

He suddenly remembered that those who survived were said to be insane, perhaps they encountered the same situation as him.

Fortunately, the appearance of the girl in the red dress seems to be very regular, appearing only once every few days, so Angelet doesn't have to worry about appearing continuously after this appearance. However, he still meditated for most of the night with some trepidation, but he couldn't fall asleep for the rest of the time. Early the next morning, Angelet left the small town when the sky was slightly bright. Quickly speed up and rush directly to the direction of the academy.

The surrounding forests are getting denser, and large pieces of leaves have begun to fall slowly, and the yellowed leaves are covered in a thick layer on the ground.

There was only a crackling sound when the carriage rolled over.

Angelet sat in the driving seat, paying attention to the surrounding situation with a little nervousness.

He is already very close to Lennon City. But he didn't intend to go there, and decided to go back to the academy first. All kinds of weird events along the way made him more eager to meet his mentor Liliana.

Moving forward along the main road, Angelet didn't even let the horses rest for a long time, and kept on driving with them.

Soon, the logging field where the phosphorescent mammoth had been hunted passed by Angelet.

"Is it already the boundary of Lennon City?" Angelet breathed a sigh of relief. When you are in a place you are familiar with, you always feel a little bit safe.

But he didn't stop, but continued to move forward, although he could reach Lennon City by turning off the trail in the logging field...

Along the main road, the carriage kept moving forward...

The strong cold wind whizzed against Angelet's face, making him feel a little pin-prickly cold.

A few days later, Ram answered the ancient city outside the college.

The sky is light blue, like a huge sapphire, with wisps of white clouds sparsely distributed on it, slightly destroying the purity of the gem.

Among the large light yellow forests below, a black carriage is rapidly approaching the ancient city. The wheels rolled rapidly, making a grunt turning sound.

The carriage moves forward in the sea of ​​trees [like a little black in the yellow ocean, moving small but firmly.

The car drove up to 3.3, and a brown-haired man with a pale face was driving a carriage. Some withered and yellow leaves were blown off by the wind, drifted down and hit the speeding carriage, making crackling noises from time to time.

The man stared straight ahead, motionless.

Gradually, the pale yellow ruined ancient city appeared in his sight. Only then did he show a slightly relaxed expression.

"Finally back." This man was Angelet who went straight to the academy. .

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