Angelet followed his memory and quickly found the entrance to the underground academy.

The black underground passage door is still closed, hiding in a dusty room.

But it seems that the surface of the gate seems to be very new, not the original one.

Angelet also found vague bloodstains and wooden door fragments on the road. It seems that here seems to have gone through a big battle.

He knocked lightly on the wooden door. Angelet read a few sentences in a low voice.

A thin layer of black suddenly appeared on the surface of the black wooden door. It disappeared after a few seconds.


There was a soft sound. Angelet reached out and pushed, and the wooden door slowly opened towards both sides, revealing the brightly lit underground passage inside. A staircase extending downward appeared in front of him.

Angelet glanced left and right, strode into the passage, his figure followed the stairs, quickly descended, and finally disappeared at the corner of the passage. Only the sound of footsteps gradually going away is getting smaller and smaller


The passage wooden door slowly closed automatically, and a layer of black light flickered on the surface.

Angelet walked quickly in the corridor of the academy, the bright yellow flames on the wall illuminated the entire corridor brightly.

In the passage, he encountered two apprentices wearing different clothes one after another, and they seemed to have rushed back from outside. But everyone didn't greet each other, just nodded slightly and passed by.

Following the same path, Angelet soon came to the corridor of the Necromancer.

Stand in front of the passage and look inside. The dark corridor seemed to lead to hell, a trace of cold and damp air escaped from it.

Angelet carried the suitcase and walked in.

According to the location in memory, I walked to the end and knocked lightly on the door of a room on the right.

"Please come in~||."

With a click, the door automatically opened a gap. There was no light in it.

Angelet gently pushed the door open.

With a snort.

A little fire was lit in the middle of the room. It printed the face of a terrifying and shriveled old woman.

"It looks like you've caused a lot of trouble." The Green Mother Wizard whispered sinisterly.

"I think so, Master Tutor." Angelet was already used to the dark terror of the Tutor. He gently closed the door and took a few steps forward. He bowed respectfully.

"I'm here for help, my lord."

"You should thank Mo Rogge, what he ate was not just a simple curse. Otherwise, you will die on the way to see me today." The old witch smiled

~You are so courageous, you dared to go to that ghostly place of Yueqin Garden to grab things. You're lucky you didn't die there.

"Is there anything weird there?" Angelet was completely relieved now, and asked curiously.

"It's a paradise for banshees and baby monsters. Under their influence, many rare plants that love death also grow. You are equivalent to entering the lair of these monsters." The green mother wizard explained (Li Haohao).

"However, thanks to the necromancy-type negative energy aura on your body, you don't seem to be affected by too many bad influences. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to come back to me at all. Alright, sit down."

The green mother wizard pointed, and a black chair suddenly appeared behind Angelet.

Angelet glanced slightly, and sat down as promised.

"The guys in Yueqin Manor don't have any scruples at all, they are a group of twisted monsters that only satisfy their appetites.

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