"Although it is a bit troublesome and will have a certain negative impact on you, it is not a problem to solve it completely. Just you have to pay attention in the future, and don't go there again. Even we don't want to go to that kind of place, it's completely theirs home field."

After a pause, the Green Mother Wizard warned.

"Yes, I see." Angelet nodded.

"Then, let me get rid of the hidden dangers on your body first." The green mother wizard whispered.

Holding the dim oil lamp in her hand, she slowly turned around and walked a few steps, standing in front of a small cabinet. He opened the drawer of the cabinet and took out a small white jewelry box from inside.

Holding the jewelry box, she walked slowly to Angelet and sat down slowly.

With a light finger, a black table suddenly appeared between the two of them.

The Green Wizard placed the jewelry box on the tabletop 137 and gently pushed it towards Angelet.

"I only have this. If you don't want to die, you can wear it. It must be stuck in a blood vessel. Not just carry it with you. Remember, if you wear it for three years in a row, you should be fine

She said sternly.

"Three years?" Angelet had a clear understanding of the weirdness of Yueqin Manor. Even a powerful and terrifying figure like a mentor needs such a long time to solve this sequelae. One can imagine how dangerous that place is.

"This is only part of it. I will deal with the rest for you later. I don't know how much of that disgusting malice is entangled in you..." The green mother wizard whispered, "As a price, I will get you How about sharing half of the materials with me? Do you have any objections?"

"Of course." Angelet nodded quickly.

Wizards have always followed the principle of benefit exchange. Angelet was already mentally prepared before coming here.

"Then, put it on first." The green mother wizard pointed to the white jewelry box and said.

Angelet reached for the box and gently opened it. Suddenly his face twitched.

The white box is covered with white silk, and a diamond-shaped piece of silver metal is placed in the middle, with a slight curvature. It is also engraved with fine and complicated patterns.

"Where are you going to wear it?" the Green Mother Wizard asked with a smile.

Angelet looked at the diamond-shaped metal that was as long as a palm. (aefh)

"Wear it on the back of your hand."

The green mother wizard nodded, but she didn't see any movement. The silver metal jewelry in the jewelry box suddenly floated. With a whoosh, it plunged into the back of Angelet's right hand.

He didn't feel anything, and by the time Angelet realized it, a rhombus-shaped silver metal pattern had already been inlaid on the back of his hand. It looks a little weird, as if it is directly embedded in the middle of the skin, without a big protrusion.

"Then, the next step is to get rid of the sequelae on your body. Fortunately, those monsters seem to be pleasing to your eyes, and they didn't make things difficult for you."

"It's not that hard?" Angelet couldn't laugh or cry. Is it true that all the weirdness along the way is normal?

"The malice you encountered is just the fluctuations they unintentionally emitted. The magic abilities of those banshees and baby monsters are a separate system, which is different from ours." The green female wizard stood up and motioned for Angelet to stand up too.

She stretched out her finger, and the tables and chairs on the ground disappeared quickly. The surroundings returned to darkness again. Only the oil lamp in her hand was lit with a trace of light. But it can only illuminate the faces of the two of them.

"The Eye of Darkness."

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