Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

[226] Hundred-Eyed Monster, The Crisis Is Coming

How to describe this sound? It's like a child laughing and clapping his hands happily.

"Let's go around..."

Angelet pulled the reins and took a few steps in the other direction. The horse below him suddenly stopped by himself, and began to snort in panic. No matter whether Angelet moved forward or backward, he just circled around in place.

"Damn it!" Angelet cursed in a low voice, got off the horse, and tied the horse to a tree trunk on one side.

The opponent begins to approach the subject. Relevant distance: 102 meters, 100 meters, 98 meters, 96 meters..." The chip automatically starts counting.

Angelet knew immediately that he should have been discovered.

He didn't want to cause trouble, so he just bypassed it. After all, he now carries important 04 resources with him. However, the horses were temporarily frightened and needed time to relax. And he was discovered by the other party.

With a sneer, he gently pulled out the cross sword. Angelet tiptoed in that direction.

As the distance approached, and the morning light became brighter and brighter. Angelet gradually saw clearly what this black shadow was.

"It's like a black prickly pear, except that the thorns have been replaced with movable arms." This was Angelet's first impression when he saw this thing.

The black shadow gradually became clear under the light.

It was a ball-shaped creature covered with black arms. It has about seventy or eighty arms on its body. Densely dense, black skin all over the body, and a dark red eye grows on the palm of each arm.

Angelet's approach seemed to agitate him, too. This monster made up of a lot of arms swiped the ground, and the eyes on all the palms were all aimed at Angelet.

"Hiss... cluck... cluck..." A strange voice came from the middle of the arm.

"Hundred-eyed monster...it's a hundred-eyed monster!!" The information recognized by the chip suddenly appeared in Angelet's vision.

Hundred Eyes: High-energy medium-sized creatures. Strength 5, Dexterity 3, Constitution 21, Spirit 5, ability unknown. There is very little information available, please keep a safe distance from the subject. The analysis data of the chip was immediately fed back. A layer of red light suddenly appeared on the surface of the whole hundred-eyed monster, which is the dangerous color mark displayed by the search number.

Angelet blinked, turning off the red light. Holding the cross sword tightly in both hands, be vigilant.

He has also heard of the hundred-eyed monster, which is said to be an evil creature with a strong body. It likes to devour living creatures whole, and it is very strong when it is an adult, but the one in front of it, judging by its size, is obviously underage. You must know that the hundred-eyed monster weighs more than ten tons when it is an adult. Larger than a phosphorescent mammoth. As for the combat effectiveness, you have to fight to know it.

"Cluckclackcluckclack...clack!!" The hundred-eyed monster waved its arm 693 again, as if to say something to Angelet.

The distance between Angelet and it was only more than ten meters, but he couldn't understand its language at all, so he could only observe its movements in place for a while.

The hundred-eyed monster the size of a buffalo said a few words, but got no answer, and seemed a little angry.

"Cluck!!" It made a sharp sound, clattered, and the whole group rushed towards Angelet. Dozens of arms waved, all hugging Angelet. The dark red eyes densely packed in the palm blinked one by one, grabbing them from all directions.

Angelet's scalp tingled slightly. The body quickly retreated. .

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