
Dozens of arms clung to the big tree behind Angelet. With a click, the big tree was directly grabbed by it. Amidst the clattering sound, the big tree with a large number of leaves and branches was hugged by the monster.


The trunk was swung, sweeping towards Angelet.

The Hundred Eyed Monster also followed the inertia of its swing, and directly rushed towards it. Its huge body and large number of arms covered almost all of Angelet's evasion routes, like a ball of black jelly pressing over.


There was a crisp sound of cloth being torn.

Angelet quickly jumped out from dozens of arms. Landing on the grass a few meters away, his face was calm, and the silver tip of the cross sword in his hand was stained with dark red blood.

Several broken arms fell to the ground, fingers slightly curled and moved, and the red eyes in the palms blinked from time to time.

The hundred-eyed monster rushed over again angrily, sweeping the tree trunk in its hand. With a whistling sound, there was a sharp whistling sound.

Angelet took a few steps back easily, avoiding the swinging range of the tree trunk.

"Itasman.......Thunderbolt!." He shouted in a low voice. He pressed the cross sword with one hand.

With a chirping sound, a blue electric current crackled and spread from the held sword. Quickly flow over the entire long sword.

The original silver cross sword suddenly turned into a blue lightsaber filled with electric current. Thick current filaments continuously twined and flashed around the sword body, making an ear-piercing hissing sound.

Angelet took advantage of the gap where the hundred-eyed monster was waving the tree trunk, and rushed forward with a bow.

The cross sword was entwined with electric current and severed off the captured arms around it. With a few clicks, more than a dozen Fenglei were easily cut off and fell to the ground. The Great Emperor's electric current was transmitted from the Chuangzhong to Baiguai Kang Gungun's body.

The blue electric current continuously flowed on the surface of the hundred-eyed monster's black body.

Angelet pierced his sword fiercely into the middle of his body, where there was a large black mouth without teeth, and the blade of the sword pierced fiercely from the top of the mouth. But it only pierced a small half, and then the strength was exhausted.

Angelet only felt that the long sword in his hand seemed to be piercing into extremely tough wood, even with his strength nearly three times that of an ordinary person, he could only penetrate to such a degree.


An arm took the opportunity to hit Angelet's right arm, knocking him back five or six meters away. The cross sword also remained on the main body of the hundred-eyed monster.

Angelet slammed and pulled out another cross sword, holding it in his left hand, his right hand was slightly bent unnaturally, obviously a fracture, and bursts of severe pain came from the fracture. Angelet frowned, and took a few steps back again.

He had been carrying two crossed swords since the day of the woods fight. It's just that to deal with rough-skinned and thick-skinned monsters like the hundred-eyed monster, dividing the power in half is far less effective than a two-handed sword. He just took it out in handfuls. But now that a hand is broken, his ideas are useless.

`~ No, the regenerative power of the hundred-eyed monster is extremely strong, so it is impossible to kill it by hitting it like this. And it's obvious that Zhao Wang (Zhao Wang) can't win. "Angelet knew very well in his heart that with his current strength, it was impossible for the hundred-eyed monster, a thick-skinned and thick-skinned monster in wizard books, to be easily dealt with with his current strength.

If it wasn't for this monster blocking his only way, and with a little curiosity, he wouldn't take the initiative to come over to check. But now, Angelet could clearly see that the severed arm of the hundred-eyed monster grew back quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye. .

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