The botanical garden area where she and her companions went to rest, and the third-class apprentice she met across the lake. The guy who used to stimulate her.

"How long has it been since he was promoted?!" The girl didn't know what it was like, it was very complicated, very weird, and mixed with envy.

At this time, Angelet followed Angelet closely, passed through the logistics area, and went directly to a black passage. At the end of the passage, there was a faint red light curtain blocking the advancing area.

Angra walked in directly, a layer of red light flashed on her body, and she was not blocked at all.

Angelet also walked over directly, a black light flashed on his body, and he passed through the red light curtain without being blocked either.

The passageway after entering is still the same brown-yellow wall brick.

But Angelet already knew that this was the core area of ​​the academy. That is, only wizards can enter the dedicated area for activities.

The academy has strict definitions for wizards and apprentices, and Angelet also read the wizard manual. The wizarding area of ​​the college is also connected to a huge network of passages, many of which can be directly connected to the ground, and there is no need to enter from an external college. This is also a major reason why it is difficult for apprentices to see official wizards.

"As you can see, our academy has lost several wizards this time, and the already deserted inner courtyard is becoming less and less crowded. There are only a few dozen wizards living in an entire city area. Plus everyone It's all about researching and experimenting..." Angela shrugged helplessly.

"I don't know much about these, I just got promoted." Angelet smiled.

"You just got promoted?" Angela looked back at Angelet, "It's really rare. Your spiritual power is almost gone, I thought it was some old guy...... You just got promoted? It's unbelievable, you Still in the frailty period, right? No wonder."

"Aeration? Mental power?" Angelet showed a trace of doubt on his face. "It doesn't say that in the wizard's handbook, does it?"

"Oh, this is just our usual division method. When the mental power is solidified into a spell model, that is, the innate spell, except for the first time we can condense all the mental power and build a perfect innate spell model. , you have to meditate alone again to accumulate a mental power model crystal... This is the way to advance, and you must be aware of it." Angla paused, and continued: "The second time to condense the spiritual power crystal, you need to Completely start from scratch and re-accumulate. This is much more difficult than the first crystal, after all, every wizard is born with a good amount of mental power. After that, the second and third crystals, Fourth and fifth, all must be accumulated from scratch. This is a very time-consuming process."

"Then you're talking about my spiritual power becoming gasified?" Angelet asked.

"Your mental power outside of crystallization is about to gasify, and you don't know it yourself? Gasified spiritual power will have some 4.6 minor characteristics." Angela looked at Angelet a little strangely. "Just promoted to a wizard, you can have such a powerful extra mental power. I'm really envious. Gasification, liquefaction, and crystallization are stages that wizards of every level must go through. There is no shortcut, and you can't use ordinary potions. , that will produce impurities. Therefore, we can only accumulate slowly step by step.

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