Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

【246】Miscellaneous Talk Wizard Classification

Also reduce fighting and consumption. Otherwise it will accumulate more slowly. Therefore, wizards generally use innate spells, and some wizards will also raise some helpers, or make magic items to help fight in order to reduce consumption.

"I see. Angelet nodded, "The green mother teacher didn't explain it clearly to me, it seems that I have to ask carefully next time. "

"Really? But you can't blame your mentor. These things can't be finished in a while, and they are very messy." Angra replied as she walked. "It's just like we directly define the level of wizards who can cast spells as their wizard level. Some people may want to use the preparation in advance to release an advanced spell, but the huge amount of calculation will be in the construction of the model. It turned him into an idiot in an instant. Then the irreversible progress of the model will drain him completely until he dies. These things are all common sense, and you will gradually understand them in the future.”

"Thank you for your clarification." Angelet liked this Angela's detailed explanation quite a bit. "Then according to the wizard handbook, there should be senior wizards in our college?"

"What is advanced? For us, a third-level wizard is already advanced. And for third-level wizards, a fifth-level wizard is considered advanced. This is just a concept." Angela may be a rare encounter. Those who can talk can't be closed when they open the chatterbox.

"Anyway, including your mentor, Mrs. Green Mother, all the college's teaching students outside should be first-level wizards [it's just different from Koji. Anyway, the limit lifespan of first-level wizards is at least three hundred years."

"So difficult to condense the second crystal?" Angelet was taken aback.

"It's very difficult. If you can become a second-level wizard within a few decades, then you can become a member of the top in the academy. The green mother and the mind reader in the cold capital are already among the best in the entire academy. Yes. They are proficient in a lot of spells, and have accumulated a lot of cards and backhands, but the second level is a qualitative change. It is estimated that only the head of the school who left may reach it.

"The seventh-level wizard recorded in the book...?" Angelet was slightly shocked.

"It's different now, and the resources are getting less and less. Master wizards of the third and fourth levels may still be found at the bottom of the cave. But the seventh level... Have you read knight novels? For us, that The level is equivalent to what we felt when we read hero and knight novels when we were young." Angra explained with a smile.

"When I first saw the level of wizards, I thought wizards of the second and third levels were very common..." Angelet frowned. "In this way, other organizations such as the Northland Alliance and San Diego are also like this?"

"There must be a second-level wizard. Every 473 wizard organization is used as a final deterrent to comeback. As for the wizard classification you saw, it was something that was thousands of years ago. 11 Angela walked to a wooden door and pressed hard. Pushed away and walked in. Angelet followed closely behind.

"That grading is a record found in a ruin. When a wizard wrote a book, it was quoted in it, and then it was put in the library as a material. You really think it is the current situation."

The room Angra walked into was a dark room with mirror-like walls on all four sides. Angelet and his shadow are clearly reflected on the four walls. .

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