"Which time period do you want to watch?" Angela asked.

"Sixteen days ago, when I returned to the academy, there were three days' records." Angelet answered hastily.

Angela nodded, stretched out her hand and pointed to the front mirror.

A red light flew out from the fingertips and sank into the mirror.

Immediately, the mirror on the entire wall changed from black to white, and quickly became brighter.

A small hiss sounded from the mirror.

Soon, the image of the city outside the academy emerged from the mirror on the front wall.

The earthy city ruins, the dim sky. And Lord Morgan Rogge standing on the city bridge combing his feathers.

"What are you looking for?" Angela asked.

"Three people, three apprentices, two males and one female, the female is named Annie. They should have returned to the college together. Please put it away quickly and find all the records of apprentices who returned to the college." Angelet replied.

"This is no problem." Angra snapped her fingers, and the picture changed rapidly.

The sky in the mirror quickly changed from day to night, two overlapping sickle moons rose in the sky, and the white moonlight sprinkled on the ground. Three figures in gray robes soon appeared on the screen.

"It's them`々." Angelet narrowed his eyes.

"Is it all right?" Angela turned her head and asked.

"Can I check the verification information when they enter the door? It is the record of the door that will verify the identity information before entering the underground passage." Angelet nodded.

"No problem, it looks like they have offended you." Angra clapped her hands together, "The south side of the mirror suddenly became pitch black. Ten red runes quickly emerged.

"Frazor?" Angelet recognized the rune and began to read the contents carefully.

"Anne Coffey, 19 years old, a third-class apprentice, in charge of the Shadow Department Malan wizard.

Jack Bennifin, 20 years old, a third-class apprentice, in charge of the shadow department Maran wizard.

Adair, 19 years old, a second-class apprentice, in charge of the shadow department Malan wizard. "

This is the information displayed in the mirror.

"Wizard Maran? That timid old guy, it looks like these three guys are in big trouble." Angela laughed.

"Thank you for that, Master Angelet." Angelet bowed slightly, "I have to solve the problem right away."

"It's nothing. Lady Green Mother once helped me." Angra smiled back.

Leaving Angelet's surveillance mirror room, Angelet left the wizard area directly. He didn't sign an agreement with the academy, so he couldn't stay in the wizarding area for too long.

Only those with the green mother's arcane mark can freely enter the inner courtyard.

Step out of the light red light curtain.

Angelet was thinking about the three apprentices in his mind.

He is no longer a member of the Academy, but belongs to the Green Mother faction alone. The upper echelons of the college treat their own people and outsiders differently. If he directly asks that Malan wizard for someone, the probability of success (Li's) is estimated to be low. After all, the third-class apprentices are already the college's backup resources, and the attitudes of the instructors are also different. Although the relationship between apprentices and wizards is not close, except when buying knowledge, they only go to the mentor. But no matter what, there is always something special that can be obtained from a mentor. Such as price concessions... and safe shelter.

Returning to her own dormitory from the spell area, Angelet immediately packed up everything. Pack directly into two bags. .

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