Angelet frowned. The information about wizards gave him the feeling that he had read martial arts novels on earth. The current situation is that every wizard has his own cards and fighting methods. No one knows if their own is strong enough until they collide with others.

"To change the ugly word, it is messy. No wizard has proposed a perfect system, and the first-level wizard is already the main activity level of "One Zero" in the dark wizard land. The wizards of the academy are simply a group of people who have lost the upper-level inheritance A seeker of mysterious power." Angelet shook his head.

"From this point of view, the academy is obviously just a small organization. The so-called dark witch land may be the most remote corner of the wizarding world." Angelet guessed, "Even the instructor is as powerful as a first-level wizard. After so many years It just crossed the two stages of gasification and liquefaction to enter crystallization, but it was still unable to break through to the second level. This is obviously not a problem of aptitude and intelligence. It is likely to be a problem of direction caused by a broken inheritance.

Angelet's eyes flickered, and he closed his eyes slightly.

"The system calls out all the maps I have recorded and combines them to simulate the most complete world map."

"Simulation started. Map forming...."

In Angelet's field of vision, in the left field of vision, a blue spot suddenly lit up at the corner of his eye, only the size of a fingernail, on which were carefully marked some letters of names, such as Kingdom of Rudin and Port of Maruya.

A piece of light blue slowly appeared in the middle of the field of vision, and it felt slightly flowing, with the letters of the ocean marked on it.

In the corner of the right eye is a large continent. Along the coastline, small dots are automatically marked. These are the places where Angelet stopped by boat.

And the last marked point is marked on the side: Academy Nick Pier. Immediately afterwards, this continental patch quickly lit up. Santiago, Liliado, and the Northland Alliance were marked out one after another, forming a complete terrain with the area just in time. The mountains above are undulating and densely forested.

But when the entire map was completely marked, Angelet took a slight breath.

Because, the edge of the known area on this map is full of mist. The area of ​​the fog is dozens of times that of the known area...

The entire map is like a big cake the size of a washbasin, with a gap the length of a thumb has been torn from the middle. This gap is the known area, it seems so insignificant, so small.

But that's a distance that Angelet has now taken years to cross. And this is not the entire map area.

"If you take the earth as a comparison, the place where I am now should be equivalent to the coastline area of ​​Australia on the earth. It's just that the underdeveloped industry makes this world, which is much larger than the earth, appear larger and wider."

Angelet blinked, and the map in his eyes disappeared immediately.

"From this point of view, it is very likely that there is a place with a 1.6-level development of the wizard's inheritance. In the future, I must have a look around when I have the opportunity."

Sighing, Angelet returned his attention to the table.

Carefully open the glass case. Angelet rubbed his hands together, a layer of silver metal spread over his hands, and he immediately put on a pair of silver gloves.

Gently take out the arm of the hundred-eyed monster. .

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