The black arm was rigidly placed horizontally in a glass slot on the table.

Angelet was really interested in why the Hundred Eyed Monster had eyes on its hands.

Carefully picked up a light blue test tube potion, Angelet pulled out the stopper, and gently poured it on the palm of the severed arm.


A burst of white smoke suddenly rushed up. Angelet turned her face away from the smoke. After waiting for a while, the smoke completely dissipated, and he turned his face again, looking into the glass tank.

The originally curled and clenched palm of the black broken arm has been completely loosened after being sprayed with the blue potion, revealing the red eyes in the palm of the hand.

Angelet stretched out her right hand, took off the silver metal glove, and touched the eye directly.

Slippery, hard 04 case with a glass cover on the surface.

Angelet touched her red eyes, feeling a little weird. He reached out and touched the red eyelids.

Then he leaned down again and sniffed the eye area.

There is a faint smell of sweat.

Angelet frowned. Reaching out for a silver knife, it looked like a scalpel.

With a light stroke of the knife tip along the lower eyelids, he cut a long wound on the skin of the arm, and cut it in half. No blood came out of it. The scarlet muscles and white tendons are clearly revealed.

The blue light in Angelet's eyes flickered.

"The optic nerve of the eye seems to extend from the middle of the bone marrow of the arm to the palm of the hand. But the arm is clearly the site of the attack, so why do the fragile eyes grow in such a place?" Angelet murmured, and took another pair of tweezers, Cooperating with both hands, carefully removed the palm and eyes of the hundred-mesh monster completely.

"Although the hard layer on the surface is hard, the inside is as soft and fragile as the eyeballs of ordinary creatures." Angelet is very interested in the biological structure of this weird shape, and maybe he can get some secrets from the physiological structure of these monsters. maybe.

After the eyeballs were removed, there was another burst of blue light in Angelet's eyes.

After a while.

He gently put the eyeball into a glass bottle.

"So, how do I need to integrate to improve my genetic limit? Create a specific plan immediately." Angelet asked silently.

"Scheme is being established...Estimated simulation time: 12 hours and 14 minutes."

"In addition, call out the information about the formation of life energy seeds. Immediately after that, simulate the implantation process.

"Mission established...... Please wait..." The chip's cold mechanical sound echoed back.

two days later.

In the afternoon, the sky gradually darkened.

Angelet walked out of the room with a tired face. Holding a small crystal bottle in his hand. It was filled with a black liquid, which seemed to be soaking in something.

Tia still tied her black ponytail, quietly standing outside the door waiting.

"Teacher, you should take a break." Tia looked at 340 Angelet with some concern.

"It's okay. Well, you come in first. I'll implant it for you right away."

Angelet waved his hand and went back to the room.

Tia followed closely.

In addition to the table full of utensils, there is another long mahogany table in the room. There are two large white pots and a machete beside the table.

Tia looked at the two large pots and the machete.

"It's not for bloodletting..." She shivered slightly.

Angelet put the vial on the table wearily, and pointed to the table.

"Take off all your clothes and lie down."


Tia was stunned for a moment, then froze, her face and neck quickly turned red. .

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