The gray-white ice layer behind him blocked the impact just now. Although he was not injured, he was also knocked into the air and fell to the ground.

"Wizard Maran, aren't we having fun playing? Why did you suddenly turn around and run away?" Angelet's voice came from behind him.

Ma Lan struggled to get up, a strong sense of fear filled his mind. He turned around trembling. He wanted to make a spell-casting gesture with both hands, but he couldn't stabilize his emotions at all. Because of his fear, his mental power fluctuated extremely, and now he couldn't cast any spells at all 04.

"An.....Angelet.....Are you trying to kill me?? I am an official wizard of the college! You kill me and you are against the college!! You have thought clearly about the consequences of defecting from the college!! "Ma Lan got up and stepped back step by step.

Angelet looked at Ma Lan on the ground, a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes.

"You can't even release spells. In vain I still regard you as an opponent." He calmly walked in front of Ma Lan. The cross sword was raised high.

"If you kill me, you will betray the academy!!!" Ma Lan yelled in horror, the whites of his eyes also quickly faded, and the whole person desperately backed away. Accidentally, he tripped over a stone and fell to the ground again.

"In this kind of place, as long as it is cleaned up, who would know that I killed you?" Angelet smiled.

Angelet stabbed hard with his sword.

"You!!" Ma Lan's face twisted.


The ice layer resisted a lot of damage, and with no mana to replenish, it was finally overwhelmed, and countless cracks appeared on the tip of the sword in an instant, densely packed like a spider's web.

Angelet raised the long sword again, with a calm face, and slammed it down again.


The ice layer shattered suddenly, and with a clattering sound, the entire oval-shaped ice layer appeared instantly, directly shattered into countless pieces, and scattered on the grass.

"No!!" Ma Lan suddenly turned over and got up, threw out a black vial, and ran into the depths of the woods without looking back.


The vial exploded violently, and countless flames splashed.

Angelet took a step back, and the metal shield condensed out to block the flames.

Through the flames, Angelet clearly saw Malan's figure running forward. A smile crept across his face.

Bow slightly.


Angelet disappeared in the same place in an instant.

Numerous trees turned into blurred green shadows on both sides, and Ma Lan's figure in front of her quickly enlarged. The violent sound of the wind whizzed by my ears.

Angelet held the hilt of the sword with both hands, and moved forward 593 everything horizontally. The slender blade made a scream and cut from the right side to the front.


A black shadow suddenly hit the blade from the side.

Angelet and Sombra backed out at the same time.

A strong man slowly came out from the dense forest behind Ma Lan. The man was wearing black bearskin around his upper body, his hair was disheveled, and he wore two black metal sharp claws on his hands. disheveled

Calm face.

The black shadow flew upside down to this person, and it appeared to be a black cheetah. Its green eyes stared at Angelet, and its limbs were actually wearing silver metal armor.

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