
The cheetah growled at Angelet.

Angelet shook the cross sword in his hand.

"Are you with Ma Lan too?" A gentle smile appeared on his face, but the dangerous aura on his body became stronger and stronger, making the man next to him uncontrollably frightened. How could this newly promoted wizard make him feel so palpitating.

"I received an order to come over to meet Maran. From now on, he is already my Liliado's official wizard." The man said calmly. "If you don't want to die, leave quickly, you are not my opponent."

"Really?" Angelet suppressed the smile on his face. "That is to say, you are also my enemy?"

The man looked at him indifferently: "You can understand it that way."

Angelet narrowed her eyes slightly, staring at the man. He could feel the huge spiritual power of the man in front of him, this power was much stronger than Malan just now

"Spiritual energy?" He suddenly asked.

The man didn't answer, but just reached out and rubbed the black panther's head gently. The panther immediately let out a comfortable grunt.

Angelet's eyes finally became serious.

Countless silver metal liquids flowed out of his body immediately, covering Angelet's whole body in an instant. Cover it layer by layer.

With a tearing sound, the metal layer slowly fell apart, and there were three silver scratches on Angelet's left face. It looks weird and cold.

The man's eyes finally became heavy, and his gaze was fixed on Angelet.

"Metal force field..." His face changed slightly. "I didn't expect that there would be a wizard with metal magic as a talent.


A layer of white bone armor suddenly spread out from the man's arms, and sharp bony spurs stood upside down on it, all white.

On the other side, Ma Lan lay quietly on the ground, an extremely fine metal needle pierced through his entire head between his eyebrows.

"Is it true that my green mother wizard's words have been ignored?"

A conference room in the college. Five figures sat around a black round table.

The green mother wizard in black robe said gloomyly.

"This action is completely Ma Lan's private handling. Our S Bell family can immediately announce the severance of relations with Ma Lan S Bell. A middle-aged woman in a black robe who sat at the end answered quickly." Mr. Green Mother Wizard , we really do not know, please forgive me. "There was a hint of awe on her face.

"If you don't have any objections, Ma Lan's behavior this time should be treated as treason." The black-robed man sitting at the top said calmly, his face was directly covered by a cloud of black mist, and his face could not be seen at all.

"`wI agree with the handling of your Excellency the Dean."

"I agree too." The other two black robes nodded.

The green mother wizard snorted coldly, stood up, and her body instantly turned into countless black bodies and dissipated.

"Damn it!! How dare you kill him!!"

In the woods, a deep roar suddenly came out.


An (Wang Qianhao) Ge Lie dodged sideways, avoiding a ball of red light. The ball of light hit the tree trunk behind it, and it immediately turned into a cloud of acid. In the bursts of green smoke, the tree trunk was directly corroded into a large circular hole.

The bearskin man wore bone armor and metal claws on his hands [continuously waving balls of red light. And the silver metal with the light blue electric current was blocked by him continuously.

A large number of tiny metal spikes, like countless tiny blue flying insects, continuously flew around him and attacked him. .

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