Kind of like cod liver oil pills back on Earth.

A series of simplified spell models were recorded in that spell book, and Maran should have recorded the parts that she easily forgets. Not all the information, which made Angelet a little regretful, not all the information, not even encrypted. Therefore, it is basically useless to him, and after flipping through it casually, he burned it directly.

Then there are the things of the two apprentices. The black ball on the male apprentice's body is still worth a bit, and the rest are of no use to Angelet, and the spell book is also information he has known for a long time. A few low-level magic stones are nothing.

The female apprentice only has some spell-casting materials and a broken magic ring, and then ~ a few low-level magic stones.

Angelet threw the magic stone and materials aside, picked up the black-colored ball and observed it carefully.

The ball is just enough to be held in one hand, and the black surface has a faint silver luster, as if the surface is covered with a layer of mercury.

It's soft in the hand, and I don't know what material it is made of, but the temperature is warm, as if life is conceived inside.

"I don't know what this is. But it seems to have the breath of Maran." Angelet observed for a while and came to a conclusion.

"It should be a consumable item similar to explosives."

"System, is there any record?" Angelet asked silently.

"There is no record in the database search." The system is not omnipotent, and there is no answer.

Angelet carefully put away the ball, and just flicked his fingers, a black air flew out from his fingertips and landed on the black horse in front.

The black horse immediately started to move forward by itself, and the carriage also moved forward smoothly.

"In the battle just now, if we use the system to assist the battle, we may be able to overwhelm the wizard with the black panther a little bit, but I'm afraid it will be very difficult to kill him. It seems that he just used a little trick. It's a pity that the metal force field The range is only twelve meters, although it is already very far away. But it still feels not very useful. The defense level is too low, although the speed of change is very fast."

Angelet frowned. The reason why he said the truce just now was partly because the opponent was indeed on par with him in combat strength, and on the other hand, it was also because he had consumed a lot of mana after the previous battle.

0…ask for flowers……

Because the defense and resistance of the metal force field are very low, he needs to stack it multiple times to resist a spell. In this way, it is equivalent to doubling the consumption of mana. If it weren't for the advance support of the mana previously stored in the system, he would have no fighting power now.

It takes 4 points of spiritual power and 4 degrees of mana to release a secondary flame orb.

Then continue to superimpose the metal force field, resisting Maran's spell, it consumes 13 degrees of mana, use the force field transformation continuously, and finally use the metal spike with the lightning rune to attack the big man with the black panther, almost Drained his mana dry. If the fight continues, Angelet will only have to run away. It is impossible to defeat that new force with knight-level skill alone.

Now his maximum mana is the system's nearly 18-degree mana storage, plus his own 21-degree mana, the metal force field belongs to the speed of consuming 10 mana points per minute.

If he hadn't replaced all the system's mana with metal energy particles that can manipulate metal in advance, he would have announced that mana was in a hurry. .

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