"Now it seems that the system can't break through the wizard's force field and scan and analyze, which is not very helpful for combat." Angelet thought carefully, "During this time, the system's capabilities seem to have been upgraded, it seems The limit breakthrough of the gene really helps the system. It is enough to simply process two tasks in parallel at the same time. Re..."

Angelet sat by the car window, turned his face to "780" and looked at the woods outside. The green trees kept passing by, and small animals ran through the forest from time to time.

"It's just how to break through the wizard's energy field?" Angelet began to recall the knowledge about the force field system that he had learned before.

General force field protection, if you want to break through, you can only use another force field to accurately counteract it. And unless the system can release the corresponding stress field, it is impossible to scan through the wizard's force field.

That is to say, in the future, the system can at most assist itself to do some multi-line energy control in the battle, and the rest will be beyond its capabilities. More will be tools for research aids.

"I'll do the secondary optimization myself when the secondary flame orb after system optimization and correction to the best logic comes out." Angelet shook his head slightly.

Spell optimization is a process that any wizard must go through. However, the system can only use data and basic knowledge models to select the best efficiency route, and at most achieve the best effect in the existing data. That is to say, without data, it can do nothing, not at all creative.

Therefore, the adjustment to the best effect can only be done by Angelet himself, and the system can only save time.

"Fortunately, we can do double tasks now." Angelet smiled. "What is there to be dissatisfied with? My starting point is already much higher than others."

Nick Pier.

The bright sunlight fell on the pale yellow sand, reflecting a layer of bright and round white light.

Some coconut trees by the sea were rattling by the wind. The sea water washed up on the beach in bursts, and then receded quickly, leaving a layer of black watermarks.

In a coconut grove behind the beach.

A black carriage parked quietly beside the road sign. On the surface of the carriage, there were traces of wetness everywhere, and some sand particles that fell on the surface of the carriage...

It looks like this wagon has been parked here for a while.

Angelet has been waiting on the beach for three days.

These days are also about the time when the ship arrives. Every four years, the ship from Nick's Pier comes to the mainland across the sea, and every time it transports apprentices, it will also bring people back by the way. This is also the only way to directly reach the two continents.

Angelet lifted the curtain and got out of the carriage. Walk slowly to the beach and look out to sea.

The junction of the sea and the sky. A sea blue ship with white stripes is slowly approaching here.

Angelet stood on the beach and waited, but suddenly there was a sound of footsteps behind her.

"Are you Wizard Angelet who is going to take the boat back?" A strange man's voice came from behind Angelet.

He turned around and saw a silver-haired man in a white robe standing on the beach with a smile, greeting him.

"Yes, I am Angelet, may I ask who you are?" Angelet asked hesitantly, he did not know the other party. .

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