"I am a wizard of Temora. I have been favored by and respected by the Green Mother Teacher." The white-robed man smiled, "I have served as an expatriate three times, and I have some contacts with the high-level countries across the sea. If there is anything that needs my help, you can just ask. I can arrange for you with titles lower than earl."

Angelet froze slightly, but smiled at the other party calmly to show his gratitude.

"Thank you for your generosity, I will not be polite when needed.

"That's how it is." Temora nodded, "Although the kingdom of mortals is weak and vulnerable to 05, the high-level knights and the loss of some high-level magic items also have certain strength. I hope Don't be too careless. Besieged by such people may also be injured. So I still suggest that you best contact the high-level directly to find the bloodline nobles.

"Blood noble?" Angelet heard this term for the first time.

"Oh? I forgot, I'm very sorry." Temora suddenly thought of something, and suddenly showed a very apologetic look on her face, and even bowed slightly.

Angelet quickly returned the salute.

"You don't need to be so apologetic at all, you are not being rude." He was a little confused.

Temora then explained.

"No, no, I didn't notice you... Let me talk about the bloodline nobles. The so-called bloodline nobles are actually the royal family, the royal family. In fact, no matter where in this world, the highest power center, There are shadows of wizards. The first rulers of the royal family on the opposite continent were some old wizards who had no hope of promotion and whose lifespan could not be increased. They created their own empires. Some lucky and lucky wizards left You also know that the higher the level, the harder it is to leave offspring. Therefore, in some countries, when the wizards are dying, they will leave some magical items to ensure the safety and stability of the kingdom's descendants. And these The bloodlines of wizards’ descendants are commonly known as the royal family. Almost all royal families are bloodline nobles. Because the royal family without bloodlines is powerless to face the strife of other bloodline noblemen. Only the royal family or apprentice wizards who know more about these things will know, I didn't pay attention just now, I should have reminded you the first time.

Temora paused, seeming to be a little emotional.

"Blood nobles have no special abilities and talents. They are just born stronger and more perfect than ordinary people in terms of physical fitness. And the vast majority of royal disciples are rarely willing to give up enjoyment to study knowledge hard. And some apprentices with 220 excellent qualifications , most of them have a background of royal blood. So, if you go back this time, if you don’t want to be independent, you may be able to imagine the scene you may face. After all, you are a well-deserved first-generation wizard. 11

Angelet froze for a moment, and then felt a chill. He could imagine what it would be like when he arrived.

"Then maybe you should help me get in touch." He smiled wryly.

"Alright." Temora nodded, with an expression that I understood. "The Andean League you arrived in, I will meet some old acquaintances when I arrive, and then you can also hide your identity and disembark quietly."

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