I have heard about you and know how powerful you are. The Green Mother Wizard also greeted you in advance. You just need to enjoy the journey and don't need to think about other things. "

Angelet smiled.

"It's just a fluke. You are overrated. By the way, when I came, it was said that the Kingdom of Rudin and the Kingdom of Saladin were at war. I don't know what's going on now?"

"The bloodline of the Rudin royal family has reached a certain level, and it is necessary to change the ruler. Saladin's actions are not surprising. Moreover, the Saladin royal family heard that there are two apprentices studying in this continent. Although there are no wizards, But it’s already much stronger than Rudin.” Temora explained, “For mortals who can’t even resist energy-based particles, we don’t need to waste too much thinking on them, let’s change the topic.”

Angelet also nodded, and began to discuss with Temora about the difference in optimization structure between positive energy and negative energy spells, discussing the similarities and differences of optimization methods between energy particles of different properties.

Because of the connection between the two of them with Liliana's mentor, and they are both wizards of the same level whose spiritual power has not reached the level of gasification, the discussion happened to be very heated.

When the boat arrived at the beach, both of them felt that they had gained a lot, and their understanding of basic cognition had deepened. The relationship is also more friendly.

The big boat with blue background and white stripes was parked by the beach. After the anchor was dropped, the people on it put down the boarding board.

A little girl in a black dress ran down from the boat. It seems that it is the apprentice sent this time.

The little girl saw the two wizards on the beach at a glance, and she keenly felt the mysterious aura on them. He hurried over, put his right hand on top of his head, slightly bent his knees, and saluted respectfully. I don't know which country's etiquette it is.

"Wait at the road sign in the forest at the back and someone will come to pick you up..." Temora said flatly.

Angelet glanced at this apprentice. He was only a second-class apprentice. Although he didn't know his aptitude, he didn't care.

After the girl left, another person got off the boat, a man in a black robe.

"Is it the person Ram said is in charge this time?" The black robe glanced coldly at the robes on Angelet and Temora, "Temora, then I'll leave first. This trip to sea has delayed me for too long ."

"I'll be in charge from now on." Temora nodded with a cold expression.

The man in black robe also nodded, shook his robe and left directly.

"`w let's go, let's get on the boat and go to the engine room first." Temora said to Angelet with a gentle expression.


Angelet nodded and followed him onto the empty ship.

The ship is very big, the same as the original one, and a ship building several stories high was built on the deck.

Angelet and Temora scrambled onto the side of the boat like ants onto a grown man. Zhao Ren was shocked by the huge gap in proportion.

Walking down the cabin, the two soon reached the bottom.

It's a dark space.

Taymor stretched his fingers and snapped them.

In the darkness, two rows of torches suddenly lit up. Bright yellow flames illuminated the entire hall.

A wide hall suddenly appeared in front of Angelet's eyes, fully the size of a football field, with a dark red hue.

On the ground in the center of the hall are the backs of several huge dark blue sea fish. .

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