The upper body of a huge sea fish tens of meters long was tightly stuck to the bottom of the boat. A light blue water curtain clings to the skin of sea fish, completely isolating the bottom of the cabin from the sea water.

It's like these sea fish are dragging the whole ship forward.

Angelet observed carefully and found that the eyes of these sea fish were not bright, as if they were controlled by witchcraft. Their appearance is similar to the enlarged version of dolphins, with smooth skin, but the blue water curtain at the bottom of the boat seems to stick to them tightly.

Temora smiled and pointed at the sea fish.

"This is the real power of this ship. These modified fish driven by energy particles can continuously move forward on the sea surface for several years without getting tired. Their muscles have all been strengthened by black magic, so there is no need to worry about getting tired." Injured."

Angelet also nodded with a slight smile: "It's really a good technology."

Temora continued: "This ship is named Prospect, and the specific thing to do is: first go to a port below to pick up people who need to go to the opposite continent, those are some hopeless apprentices who can't continue to survive. Then repair the hull a little bit. Get some sailors to do regular sailing as a cover. You're all right.

"Of course." Angelet answered in the affirmative. "But I have to bring over the sundries in my carriage first."

"I'll help you," Temora said with a smile.

(afac) "Thanks a lot then." Angelet smiled too.


The ship named Prospect sailed back along the route, under the control of Temora.

It takes two days to leave Nick Pier and arrive at the second pier.

After all, this is the land of black witches, also known as Aikenhain, which means the land of the rising sun. The name of light is the gathering place of dark wizards. This makes it the last stop. So it is far away from other wizarding areas.

If it weren't for the fact that the Dark Witch Land and the second pier were facing each other across the sea. Walking from land, at least a large circle.

Angelet stood over the side of the boat.

The sky is as blue as a jewel, and white seabirds glide by from time to time. The salty sea breeze blows Angelet's hair to the side.

He put his hands on the cold side of the ship and looked at the sea far away.

In the sea area there, two large ships, one black and one white, were close together, with chains and planks between them. The sailors on both sides fought each other with machetes and weapons.

The white ship was emitting green smoke, with faint flames rushing out. Faint shouts of killing could be heard faintly.

"There should be pirate ships plundering armed merchant ships. It's a common thing here." The white-robed wizard Temora walked to Angelet. "Leave them alone, let's go. I heard that the nearest White Fang Castle sent a fleet to destroy these pirates, and they won't be rampant for long."

Angelet nodded without speaking.

The Prospect gradually moved away from this sea area, and the two ships disappeared far away from sight.

The Prospect finally arrived at the next pier --- Haiyan Harbor the next afternoon.

It is also the place where Yuri and the others disembarked, White Fang Castle, and the wizarding area where the six-ring tower is located.

There are many people on board.

Most of them are dozens of sailors recruited in advance. Then there were more than a dozen apprentices, all of whom were going to return to their hometown by boat. .

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