Angelet did not expect that under the danger of her life, Violet was still unwilling to leave her side. Obviously at this moment, Angelet felt somewhat inexplicably moved in her heart, but soon Angelet suppressed it, and then He turned his head and looked at Violet suddenly with a pair of eyes.

"Several dark clouds and thunders are about to descend. If you don't leave here, you will be accidentally injured later. If you continue to stand outside, the dark clouds and thunders will not have eyes. I advise you to come back as soon as possible." Go to the cabin, this is my last 853 explanation to you!"

Obviously, Violet didn't take Angelet's words to heart. At such a critical moment, as expected, another huge dark cloud descended on the sky, and then a huge thunder came over Angelet. Obviously, this time The only person he targeted was Angelet. Angelet had no time to dodge at this time. Just as Angelet was about to release her protective cover, Violet suddenly rushed in front of Angelet and blocked the thunder for Angelet.

Angelet did not expect that the cowardly Violet in front of him would have such a bold side, and she could go forward bravely in order to protect herself. Thinking of this, Angelet couldn't help but feel a little moved. After all, no one has treated Angelet so sincerely for many years. Angelet couldn't help but sigh here.

You must know that dealing with Tianlei is just a matter of pinching your fingers, but Violet forcibly shouldered it for her. She just wanted to take this opportunity to force Angelet to accept Violet as an attendant. Here Angelet's mood also became a little cold.

But Angelet helped Violet up immediately, and then used his own spells to expel some of the electricity in Violet's body. Violet quickly relied on her first-level aptitude, recovered a little.

"I think you should (afeg) know how powerful I am. I won't be hurt by this little sky thunder, but you will be hurt by sky thunder easily. I don't know if you are really stupid or fake, Why do you rush forward to carry this thunder for me, this is just a small spell that I can easily solve!"

I saw Angelet frowning and looking at Violet in front of her. Violet obviously didn't expect that Angelet was so powerful, and then lowered her head to shake her head. Angelet knew that she couldn't refuse democracy after all. He can also be regarded as his savior in name, thinking of this, Angelet sighed and nodded faintly.

"Didn't you always want to be my savior and my servant? Now that your goal has been achieved, I will approve you to become my servant, but I warn you that your qualifications are too high." It’s too low, no matter how hard you try, you can’t achieve the same speed of progress as others, so I advise you to let it go!”

Angelet's words hurt one's self-esteem to some extent, but on the contrary, it is Angelet's purpose. Angelet is to let Violet retreat in the face of difficulties, know the gap between herself and others, until when can she succeed? Sometimes it takes a person to give in, but Violet nodded as if she had made up her mind, obviously unwilling to let Angelet take back her life.

Seeing this scene, Angelet couldn't help sighing again. .

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