"If that's the case, you can follow me back to my mansion this time. There are still many other people who speak the same language and have contact with them. Your current first-level qualifications are too low. If you have The talent is okay, but the talent is too low, I suggest you work harder!"

What Angelet said actually meant that Violet had been agreed to join her team of attendants. Thinking of this, Violet wanted to jump up excitedly, but quickly suppressed the thoughts in this matter , then nodded vigorously.

Violet knew that this was her first chance and also her last chance, and she had given herself an erection with her own life. If she couldn't even cherish this chance, then there would be more chances in the future. Slipping away from her eyes, thinking of this, Violet couldn't help but firm her eyes, looking at Angelet with a bit of courage.

"Angelet, don't worry, since I'm working so hard to stay by your side and become a servant, then I must improve myself, and I must work hard to move from the first level to the second and third levels. Will become ~ the most powerful person!

Angelet didn't expect Violet to have such a strong idea at such a young age, but then Angelet nodded. After all, Angelet admires ambitious people very much, but Violet is more or less ambitious but has no strength. , Thinking of this, Angelet couldn't help feeling a little depressed again.

"Okay, now that the matter is over, there is no need to talk nonsense. This ship has been in motion for a long time. It must not be long before it can reach my boundary. I will put you in there again, but I have no choice. I will teach you my skills as soon as possible, and you need to endure hardships and stand hard work to make it up at ten o'clock!"

Violet nodded immediately after hearing these words, and then her eyes lit up, Angelet had no choice but to bring the girl to his own territory, and then assigned Violet to a nearby cabin. It was very desolate, and there were not many pieces of furniture in it at all. If Violet wanted it, she could only use the law to make it herself.

Seeing this scene, Violet knew that this was the first task Angelet assigned to her. Violet changed her pace quickly and used the few laws in her body to create some decent-looking furniture for herself. , Then he turned his head to look at Angelet at the side, obviously wanting to take credit.

0...... Ask for flowers......

After writing, Angelet couldn't help but look at these jigs, and then showed a disgusted expression. Then Angelet went to the side and moved his fingers, and he conjured up an exquisite sofa that was much better than Violet's.


Seeing this scene, Violet felt that her self-esteem was also hit and tormented, her head drooped, and she was soon stimulated. After all, Violet knew that she had become Angelet now. The servants under his hand.

If I am still downcast at this time, then if Angelet is not willing to teach myself, how can I achieve the purpose of coming here? Thinking of the forced smile that Violet does not have here, she dresses up and looks very happy , Angelet on the side saw this scene, and felt even more amused in his heart, and then he couldn't help laughing out loud. .

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