you guys. Step back, make way for me! Otherwise, I won’t be polite! The female magician shouted, and with a wave of her hand, she drove away all the black-robed knights under her, and made way for a spacious road.

Miss, what happened? Angelet looked at the female magician suspiciously and asked suspiciously.

Don't you know? Someone trespassed into our magic hall just now, and we have issued a reward order, and the reward holder in the reward order can go directly to our lord! The female magician took a look at Angelet. He looked at Angelet suspiciously, apparently not understanding how Angelet got here.

After hearing the female magician's words, Angelet immediately understood what was going on. Alcatel must have told the female magician about herself and asked her to inform her.

Thinking of this, Angelet suddenly smiled wryly, he understood now. Why are there so many demon servants in this demon palace? I'm afraid most of the people here should be demons in disguise. To cover up his true face. The number of demon servants here definitely exceeds a thousand. I am afraid that the lowest among these demon servants is also a master of both magic and martial arts.

This time it's really troublesome. No, I have to find a way to get these demon servants to evacuate, otherwise I may be in danger "I have to leave here." Angelet said with a frown.

He doesn't care so much now, as long as he leaves the demon territory now, as for where to go, he has already made preparations.

At that moment, Angelet rushed out of the demon territory.

Stop him quickly! Stop him quickly! He is a Mozu spy! He was sent by the Mozu to spy on the news! At this time, a group of Mozu people also reacted one after another, shouting and chasing them out.

Angelet ignored the demons behind him, and just accelerated towards the outside of the demons' territory.

However, Angelet seemed to be lucky. As soon as he rushed out of the demon territory, he saw a warship rushing towards him.

No! This is a battleship! It's a demon's battleship! Angelet's expression changed.

He quickly dodged and escaped the attack of the battleship, and he quickly fled to the distance.

Seeing this scene, those demons suddenly went crazy, shouting and chasing after Angelet.

0...asking for flowers...

You bastard! Catch him! Be sure to hand him over to the adults! The slightly older demon old man shouted hastily.

Yes!! A group of other demons immediately shouted, and then frantically chased after Angelet.

Angelet hurriedly continued to flee, he didn't dare to have the slightest hesitation, and kept running towards the outside of the demon territory.


Not long after, all kinds of cursing and chasing sounds resounded behind him.

While fleeing, Angelet looked back, and he found that the demons behind him seemed to be chasing him closely, all of them were full of anger [I wish I could swallow Angelet alive.

These Mozu people are really not fuel-efficient lamps, but they can come up with such a shameful trick. Angelet shook her head, cursing secretly in her heart.

He didn't expect that he would encounter such a thing just wandering around in the demon territory. Not only was he chased and killed by the Azras, but he was almost caught by these demons. Fortunately, he reacted in time and avoided these pursuers, otherwise he would have been caught by these demons. .

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