soon. Angelet dashed out from within the scope of the Demon Race's territory, and then flew south along the Demonic Beast Forest. What he is most worried about right now is that Alcatel will hunt him down. He still needs Alcatel's help. Can't let Alcatel go wrong.

Angelet's figure was skimming in the air at a very fast speed, constantly flying towards the south.

He didn't know how long it had passed, but he finally saw a huge gap behind the big tree "——Seven", he rushed in and got in.

Then he continued to fly towards the east, and at this moment, he finally saw the outline of a city.

After seeing the outline of the city, Angelet breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that he should be safe for the time being.

He hid again, quietly flew into the monster forest, and continued flying towards the north.

However, Angelet did not choose to continue flying north, but continued to fly west. Because he knew that in the north of the north, there was a group of demons stationed there. If he flew over directly, he might be chased by these demons. In this way, he might reveal his secret.

After flying like this for more than a day, Angelet finally saw a giant demon castle.

This is the huge demon castle! Angelet looked at this gigantic demon castle, and was slightly stunned. He didn't expect this huge castle to be the demon castle in the demon territory. And it seems that the scale is very large, almost occupying two-thirds of the entire demon territory. This scale is too exaggerated, it doesn't look like a demon castle at all.

Just when Angelet was surprised, he suddenly saw two black-clothed knights appearing at the gate of the city in the distance, one in black armor and the other in black armor, checking the passengers of each carriage.

Angelet's expression changed slightly. He knows how powerful these demon knights are. If they find out that he is the fake human spy, he may be shot dead on the spot. It is no wonder that the demon knights are nervous. Don't dare to stay here, otherwise it is very likely to expose yourself, and he will be lost forever by then...

He couldn't help but think of Alcatel's instructions before he left. His mission is to protect everyone in this demon territory. He also stayed in this demon territory, so he naturally knows how powerful these demon knights are. If he exposes his traces and is discovered by these demon knights, he will be injured even if he does not die, and may even die, so these demon knights will never allow him to be exposed, otherwise he will definitely suffer.

Thinking of this, Angelet couldn't help feeling a little rejoicing. If Alcatel hadn't told him the news, he probably wouldn't know where he was now. If it was outside, he would definitely die, but here, no one can do anything to him. He can hide in this cave and wait for the opportunity.

But now that this castle has been discovered by him, he doesn't plan to stay here anymore. After all, he is of no use. Just such a tattered piece of clothing was given by the demons.

He can't take it away either. "

He flew directly into the air, and then flew towards the west of the demon territory. .

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