Alcatel said in a low voice: I'm here to visit you this time. I heard that you got a tree of life, a holy potion, in the ancient ruins. Do you know where it is now?

As Alcatel spoke, his eyes shone with fiery fire.

Hehe, you also know about the tree of life? The white-bearded old man asked with a smile: It seems that you are quite concerned about us outsiders. I remember "four seven three", the tree of life in the ancient ruins seems to only appear in the ancient times, right? It's still early, the tree of life in the ancient times is still sleeping, how did you get the news of?

A look of embarrassment appeared on Alcatel's face, he quickly smiled and said: It's not convenient for me to tell you about these things in detail, I think you should be able to guess the reason for this, right?

Haha, I don't need to guess this one. You just want to obtain the water of life through the fire of life, right? The old man with the white beard said lightly: "I have spent a lot of effort to obtain the water of life."

And I also paid a lot of soul power and elemental stones. Now that you're here, I naturally don't have to trade anymore. I'm not ready to make a deal with you right now, "You go back first. It's going to take me a while to figure this out.

My lord, I know this is a bit abrupt, but I really need this kind of water of life urgently, this kind of water is really too important to me. I have now been promoted to the ninth level of the sanctuary.

Give me more time, and I believe that I will be able to break through to the peak of the sanctuary! By then, I will have a certain fighting power. At that time, even if I face some ordinary sanctuary ninth-level powerhouses, I will no longer be afraid of them! ! Alcatel said eagerly.

I can't be the master of this matter. The old man with the white beard shook his head.

Sir, please help me. Alcatel pleaded hastily.

Well, for the sake of being so polite to me, I will help you this time. You follow me, I will take you into the secrets under the volcano. As the old man with the white beard said, a dazzling red flame suddenly erupted from his body. The color of this flame was exactly the same as before, as if it was made of flames...

With the appearance of this group of flames, a huge fire pit appeared under his feet.

Seeing this, Alcatel jumped down without hesitation. His body shrunk rapidly, to the size of a palm, and then he got into the fire pit.

As soon as his body fell into the fire pit, he disappeared immediately.

This guy is really greedy. The middle-aged man standing by the fire pit couldn't help cursing, his eyes flashed with anger, he didn't expect that Alcatel would dare to snatch his things

What audacity. 1

Let's go, let's follow this bastard and go down to have a look together. The middle-aged man said something in a low voice, and jumped into the fire pit.


When Alcatel's 3.4 figure appeared underground, he was immediately stunned.

He didn't expect things to turn out like this, and he didn't know what to do next.

He began to think hard about how to solve this problem properly.

"You, what do you want to do!"

He almost stuttered and couldn't utter a word. .

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