Around that group of flames, the space collapsed inch by inch, and pitch-black holes appeared one after another. In those holes, black energy was continuously absorbed into the group of blue-white flames.

Haha, haha!! Hearty laughter came from the surface of the flame.

This blue-white flame is exactly Alcatel. He is also in human form now, but his figure is somewhat similar to Amos. There was a cigarette in his mouth, and he was smoking the cigarette with an intoxicated expression.

Good thing, good thing!!! Alcatel's face showed an intoxicated look. This blue-white flame is exactly the treasure that he has been dreaming of and pondering for a long time, the water of life. this

This kind of magical liquid that can increase life is simply too precious to him, and it is of infinite benefit to his promotion to the peak of the sanctuary. He can only stay here for about a thousand years in his life, so he must improve his strength as much as possible, and strive to reach the eighth level of the sanctuary in the shortest possible time!!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh... At this time, rays of light shot out from the void, and then directly fell on the ground, turning into beams of light, falling into the flames. After these beams of light fell on the flames, they disappeared immediately, as if the flames did not exist, and they were not attracted by the blue-white flames at all.

Soon, several figures flew out of the void, and landed beside Alcatel.

These people are all acquaintances of Angelet.

Master Khadgar, here you come. Alcatel quickly stood up to meet a gray-haired old man in front, and saluted respectfully.

Um, Khadgar, why did you appear here? The old man with the white beard looked at Alcatel and asked.

This time, I came here specifically for the fire of life. Alcatel said in a low voice: I'm here to visit you this time. I heard that you got a tree of life, a holy potion, in the ancient ruins. Do you know where it is now?

As Alcatel spoke, his eyes shone with fiery fire.

Hehe, you also know about the tree of life? The white-bearded old man asked with a smile: It seems that you are quite concerned about us outsiders. I remember that the tree of life in the ancient ruins seems to only appear in the ancient times, right? It is still early, the tree of life in the ancient times is still sleeping, how did you get the news?

A look of embarrassment appeared on Alcatel's face, he quickly smiled and said: It's not convenient for me to tell you about these things in detail, I think you should be able to guess the reason for 817, right?

Haha, I don't need to guess this one. You just want to obtain the water of life through the fire of life, right? The old man with the white beard said lightly: "I have spent a lot of effort to get the water of life, and I also paid a lot of soul power and elemental stones." Now that you're here, I naturally don't have to trade anymore. I'm not ready to make a deal with you yet, so go back first. It will take me a while to figure this out.

My lord, I know this is a bit abrupt, but I really urgently need this kind of water of life, this kind of water!!.

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