It's so important to me. I have already been promoted to the ninth level of the sanctuary, give me more time, I believe that I will be able to break through to the peak of the sanctuary! By then, I will have a certain fighting power, at that time, even if I face some ordinary sanctuary I am no longer afraid of the Ninth Layer powerhouses!! Alcatel said eagerly.

I can't be the master of this matter. The old man with the white beard shook his head.

Sir, please help me. Alcatel pleaded hastily.

Well, for the sake of being so polite to me, I will help you this time. You follow me, I will take you into the secrets under the volcano. As the old man with the white beard said, a dazzling red flame suddenly erupted from his body. The color of this flame was exactly the same as before, as if it was made of flames.

With the appearance of this group of flames, a huge fire pit appeared under his feet.

Seeing this, Alcatel jumped down without hesitation. His body shrunk rapidly, to the size of a palm, and then he got into the fire pit.

As soon as his body fell into the fire pit, he disappeared immediately.

This guy is really greedy. The middle-aged man standing next to the fire pit couldn't help cursing, his eyes flashed with anger, he didn't expect that Alcatel would dare to snatch his things, it was really audacious.

Let's go, let's follow this bastard and go down to have a look together. The middle-aged man said something in a low voice, and jumped into the fire pit.


When Alcatel's figure appeared underground, he was immediately stunned.

It turned out to be a plain here!

Where is this place? This is not underground. Could it be that this is an ancient relic? No, if it is an ancient relic, how could it not be dangerous at all? I remember that the degree of danger in the ancient relic is definitely more than that.

Angelet knew that this could not go on anymore, and she had to hurry to get the Sword of Light.

And quickly find Violet.

He must leave this place as soon as possible, otherwise once he encounters a strong man in the sanctuary, even if he does not die, he will have to get rid of Kangpi.

What kind of place is this? Why do I feel that this place is very similar to the ancient times? It won’t be a relic of the ancient times, right? No matter which relic of the ancient times, this kind of place is very valuable, as long as I get this place, in the future Just think of ways to get more babies. Alcatel thought while looking around.

He looked around, but there was no one around. Moreover, the air in this place exudes a strong holy atmosphere, which shows that this place is not a barren area, but just the cave of a certain ancient strongman.

He couldn't care so much anymore, his figure turned into a streamer and flew forward.


Behind him, an incomparably huge (Nuo Hao) energy fluctuation swept over from a distance, and then disappeared without a trace in an instant.

At this time Angelet was standing on the bank of a river.

The water in this river is clear, and under the sunlight, it glows with a crystal clear luster, as beautiful as a gem.

At this moment, he was standing by the river, watching the river, waiting quietly for something.

His gaze was fixed on a big rock not far away.

Chi stalk. .

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