The other guard saw Angelet's speed so fast, he didn't dare to neglect, and rushed towards Angelet directly, wanting to attack Angelet and kill Angelet while Angelet was distracted.

But he had just rushed two steps, when he saw a blur in front of him, Angelet had already appeared in front of him, kicked him again, and sent him flying.

Immediately afterwards, another guard, one after another, was kicked away by Angelet one by one, without any effort at all.

Angelet's strength is indeed too terrifying. Every time he strikes, it is a fatal blow, and in an instant, within a second, he kills a person.

Those guards had no chance to resist at all. As long as Angelet made a move, these people would all end up being instantly killed.

In the blink of an eye, Angelet wiped out all these guards, leaving only Zhang Hu and his subordinates.

Zhang Hu was also shocked by Angelet's strength. He never expected that Angelet's strength would be so tyrannical that even he was not his opponent.

KR, KR......

Zhang Hu looked at Angelet in horror.

And the surrounding guests were all dumbfounded. They never expected that Zhang Hu was defeated by Angelet in such a short period of time. Isn't this too unbelievable?

Angelet, it's so terrifying, killing so many guards in one move, isn't that too heaven-defying?

Not only these guests, but even those masters in the realm of Emperor Wu were stunned by Angelet's powerful strength at the moment. They all looked at Angelet in shock, with incomparable awe in their eyes.

Angelet's strength completely surpassed their imagination.

Ha ha!

Not bad, not bad! Really good! I am convinced by Zhang Hu, I admit defeat, you win!

Zhang Hu took a deep breath, cupped his hands at Angelet, and said respectfully.

You admit defeat?

Angelet frowned slightly upon hearing this.

That's right! I, Zhang Hu, admit defeat! This time, I, Zhang Hu, overestimated my own strength, provoked you, challenged you, and was not your opponent! So, I admit defeat! However, I, Zhang Hu, will remember this account! Waiting for you After you return to Qinglong City, you will wait for our Zhang family to make your life worse than death! Hahaha...

Zhang Hu laughed while talking, then turned around and rushed towards the door, galloping all the way, and ran out of the range of the palace in a blink of an eye...

Hmph! You can't escape! Today, even if the Patriarch of your Zhang family comes here in person, it's useless! Chase me!

Angelet sneered, then shouted loudly, and at the same time moved her body, and rushed after Zhang Hu.

Obviously, this Zhang Hu was already terrified, and he didn't want to confront Angelet head-on.

Angelet didn't bother to talk nonsense, and quickly chased Zhang Hu, trying to catch Zhang Hu in one fell swoop.

You, don't come here!

Zhang Hu was taken aback and shouted in a hurry.

Die to me! 4.0

Angelet roared, accelerated suddenly, and caught up with Zhang Hu in an instant.


He slapped Zhang Hu down with one palm, and directly slapped Zhang Hu into a blood mist. A corpse flew upside down and fell heavily on the ground.

What? How is this possible? My eldest brother was killed in a single blow? Who is this person? Such a powerful strength!.

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