At this time, those masters in the Emperor Wu realm in the palace also reacted, all with expressions of shock and disbelief.

This guy is really amazing!

That's right! He's so strong, he's really too strong! He was able to kill Zhang Hu with one punch, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with him!

Who the hell is this guy? How could he possess such terrifying strength? He is simply too powerful! Could it be that he is an expert invited by Princess Qinglong? Impossible. 05, how could such an expert come to the Valkyrie Banquet ?

Those royal nobles all looked at Angelet in surprise, and started talking about it.

Angelet, you stop for my old lady, you don't even think about leaving the palace, my old lady will fight with you!

At this moment, an extremely angry roar came from the backyard of the palace.

This voice is exactly the voice of Princess Qinglong.

Princess Qinglong was actually in the backyard of the palace.

Princess Qinglong is the princess of Qinglong County, with a distinguished status. She usually lives in the princess mansion and has never set foot in the palace. Today, under such circumstances, she appeared in the backyard of the palace. She must have been in danger, that's why she was so annoyed.

Princess Qinglong!

Angelet was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that under such circumstances, he could still meet Princess Qinglong.

However, he soon realized that this must have been intentional by Princess Qinglong.

Because, since Princess Qinglong was able to find this place, she must already know Angelet's true identity.

Therefore, Princess Qinglong deliberately lured Angelet out in order to capture him.

Moreover, Princess Qinglong didn't want anyone else to know that this matter was her masterpiece.

That's why she ran here specially, intending to use the power of the palace's defensive formation to trap Angelet, and then send a few guards to subdue Angelet.

In this way, Princess Qinglong had a reason to ask Angelet to offend Princess Qinglong's father, Zhang Long, and even make the entire Zhang family an enemy in order to save her.

Moreover, Princess Qinglong intends to take advantage of this to force Angelet to give up dealing with Princess Qinglong. After all, being ranked forty-ninth on the Martial God list means that Princess Qinglong's strength has reached the half-step Martial God realm. level, while Angelet is only Wu Zong level.

Angelet is not her opponent, so Princess Qinglong can use this to threaten Angelet, make Angelet surrender obediently, give up dealing with Princess Qinglong, and also pay Princess Qinglong a hundred Xuanyuan pills!

If Angelet really did what Princess Qinglong wanted, then Angelet would definitely suffer a huge loss.

And this is exactly what Princess Qinglong wants to see.

Hehe, boy, if you are smart and sensible this time, immediately kneel down and kowtow to me to admit your mistake, then hand over the ten million Xuanyuan pills on your body to me, and then ask your Patriarch to come out in person.

Give me an apology! I can think about it, and don't care about you killing my brother. Otherwise, I will let you know the price of angering my Zhang family! Your Ye family, in front of my Zhang family, is simply Vulnerable!

Zhang Hu smiled coldly, looking at Angelet with disdain in his eyes.

Hehe, I said Brother Zhang Hu, I think you should save yourself!.

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