I don't need a weapon either, so let's just fight. Angelet smiled and shook his head.

Don't be too arrogant, we are the demon clan, and you are just a mortal, we will not lose! Another demon clan also roared.

You are so naive, the gap between us mortals and the monster race is too big, stop dreaming, let me see how capable you are now!

Angelet was too lazy to talk nonsense, black flames suddenly appeared from his body, and burned blazingly.

The black flames enveloped everything around them, turning this area into a sea of ​​flames.

Ah! Help! Help!

A group of monsters shouted crazily, the flames on their bodies became more and more vigorous, and gradually burned up, turning into a pile of ashes.

In less than a second, this group of monsters were burned to nothingness, not even the dross was left.

990 Angelet didn't even look at them anymore, turned around and continued walking forward.

Soon, another group of monsters rushed out of the front.

We still won't lose, so just give up.

Angelet glanced at the group of monsters in front of him.

You idiots, I said before, I will not lose to you, don't be too arrogant, now I have killed more than a hundred of you! Angelet said indifferently.


More than a hundred? You killed more than a hundred of our brothers!?

Damn mortals!

The group of monsters were completely panicked.

Although they have a large number (afaf), they have no chance of winning against more than a hundred Angelets!

Angelet's strength completely crushed them, and these monsters could only run away with all their strength.

Haha, you can't escape.

Angelet gave a loud shout.

Thunder Fury!


Crystal Spear!

Angelet kept showing off her skills.

A group of monsters were continuously struck by lightning, then pierced by the crystal spear, and finally evaporated to nothingness.

Angelet took a look around, but found no survivors.

His strength is indeed too strong.

These Yaozu are not his opponents at all.

Angelet speeded up again.

A day later, he came to the periphery of the Monster Race Continent.

Angelet looked up at the sky and saw a huge meteorite floating in the sky.

Angelet went straight to the meteorite.

Angelet reached out and grabbed the edge of the meteorite, and then the whole person easily flew into the interior of the meteorite.

After he came to the inside of the meteorite, he immediately felt the rich elemental energy around him.

It's like a paradise Genichi here [the middle air is full of rich chi element energy.

Yes, the environment here is really different. But this is only temporary, when my cultivation speed increases, I will definitely be able to triple my cultivation within a month! Angelet was secretly excited.

No, you have to find a suitable site as soon as possible, and then practice hard for a period of time.

Angelet began to look for a suitable place to practice.

Violet also came here with Angelet.

But Angelet soon discovers that there is something wrong with her.

"What's wrong with you, Violet!"

Angelet was shocked.

"I just... just... seem to be poisoned by those people..."

Violet said tremblingly, she was obviously extremely weak now.

"how come……………"

Angelet carefully recalled the battle scene just now, and it was true that those demon masters might have attacked Violet when she was not paying attention.

"I'll try to help you detoxify him now...".

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