Angelet said tremblingly, actually he didn't know if he could be cured.

Well, I believe in you, my life depends on you. Violet gritted her teeth and said.

Well, I'll try my best! Angelet nodded.

He took a deep breath, put his hands on Violet's back slowly, and then used his mental strength to investigate.

Violet's physical condition is very bad, almost every pore is permeated with toxins, her whole body has turned black now, even her skin has turned black, and her soul fluctuations have become weaker and weaker.

Angelet knew that Violet's vitality was rapidly fading.

I must find a way to bring Violet back to life. Angelet clenched her fists, fixed her eyes on Violet's soul, and thought of a way.

I remember that there is a strange small world in my sea of ​​consciousness, which contains all kinds of treasures, maybe I can use the power of that small world to dissolve the toxins in Violet's body! Angelet suddenly remembered her own small world .

That world should also be a small treasure land of cultivation, I don't know if I can use the power of this small world to dissolve these toxins!

Thinking of this, Angelet immediately activated his soul, and then mobilized-.

Immediately, the huge information of Japanese stocks was transmitted to his mind.

Angelet immediately understood the role of this small world, and immediately began to try to control the power of this small world to help Violet get rid of the toxins in her body.

Soon, the power of the small world appeared in Violet's soul, and then began to dissipate slowly.

A trace of black mist diffused from the small world, covering Violet.

Seeing this, Angelet immediately inhaled all the black mist into his body, and then began to expel the black mist with his own soul. At the same time, the magic power in his body began to pour into Violet's body in an endless stream.

Soon, the black toxin on Violet's body began to decrease a little.

But suddenly Angelet felt that the poison on Violet's body could no longer be removed, and he didn't know why.

"Villet, I can't seem to get rid of the toxins in your body anymore..."

Angelet said nervously, he thought that these toxins could be completely removed by himself, but at that time he suddenly encountered a bottleneck.

0...asking for flowers...

"It seems... It seems that the only way to find the sacred plantain tree is to go to the Flame Mountain! Maybe it can save my life."

"It's just that I'm afraid, I'm afraid... If we act, there may be bad luck on the road, because we have already provoked people from the Yaozu.

Violet said very worriedly.

"I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid, let's go to the Flame Mountain together, I must save your life! I must remove all the toxins in the body."


Angelet said loudly.

Violet was so touched that she almost cried when she heard him say that.

Angelet knew that she couldn't wait any longer. If she waited any longer, she might lose her good friend's face.

He quickly picked up Violet and prepared to go to the Flame Mountain together.

"I will take you to the Flame Mountain as soon as possible!"

Angelet said solemnly.

The two left the Meteorite Wasteland and continued towards the Flame Mountain.

This time, Angelet was more cautious, he had to find a safe place, otherwise Violet might lose her life in case of danger. .

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