Along the way, he continued to use the teleportation technique to quickly rush to the direction of the Flame Mountain.

Along the way, his mental strength has been paying attention to the surrounding situation.

Huh? There is actually a small town ahead?

Angelet suddenly found a small town in the distance, and his heart burst into excitement.

The gate of the small town was full of people, all of them were wearing uniform clothes, and they could be identified as demon clan at a glance.

What are these guys doing? "Nine Six Three" what are they doing? Angelet was a little puzzled, he vaguely sensed that the atmosphere in the town was a bit weird, it seemed that there was some kind of conspiracy going on

Angelet hurriedly stopped, hid under a big tree, and observed carefully.

The atmosphere in the town was different from usual, which made Angelet wonder, did something really happen?

Soon, he saw a group of monsters coming out of the town.

What are they doing?

These demon clans seem to be discussing some big plan, and it looks a little serious.

But what do these things have to do with us?

A group of monsters whispered, and then walked towards the center of the town.

At this time, everyone in the town gave way one after another to make way for them.

Angelet frowned, this scene was too abnormal.

These Yaozu seem to be talking about some secrets.

He does not intend to participate in such a thing.

So he decided to leave here first and return to the city.

Angelet was just about to leave when suddenly a voice came from a distance.

I said, you bastards, what are you doing? How dare you trespass on our demon territory!

This voice is very sharp and piercing.

Hearing this voice, Angelet frowned.

This voice is very familiar.

Isn't that the voice of that black panther?

Black Panther! Black Panther! A cold light flashed in Angelet's eyes. He remembered the time when the black panther threatened him and Violet. class.

Hahaha, Black Panther, we were going to Huoyan Mountain to find you, but we didn't expect you to fall into the trap. A Yaozu said with a smile, the voice was very rampant.

Why are you looking for me? I'm not a fool, of course I'm asking you for money, I won't easily confess if I don't give some money. Black Panther said coldly.

Hmph, so you don't want to contribute the treasure in you?

Nonsense! How could I contribute the treasure I have cherished for a long time! Black Panther snorted coldly...

In this case, then you don’t want to leave here alive today!

Another Yaozu shouted coldly, and then rushed towards the black panther.

How dare you! The black panther was furious, and rushed to a group of monsters on the opposite side.

Soon, the two sides fought together.

Angelet watched the battlefield anxiously, and joined in.

I am not your opponent, but this black panther is my best friend, if you dare to touch a hair on him, I will definitely tear you all to pieces!

Hearing this, Angelet thought to himself: This woman is really infatuated.

Haha 2.2, you idiots, do you think you can deal with the Black Panther just because of you?

We are here this time to prepare to deal with your patriarch.

You want to deal with our patriarch?

Yes, you also know that during this period of time, the strength of our monster clan has become weaker and weaker, and the patriarch can no longer sit still. We need to strengthen our strength, so we must unite with the strength of other clans. .

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