When Angelet saw this, a cruel sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Hmph, I have long heard that the intelligence of the monster race is very poor. Look at your IQ, it is simply inferior to pigs and dogs! How high do you think the intelligence of your monster race is? Your intelligence, in the eyes of human beings, is simply a pile of idiots!

Angelet gave a loud shout.

A demon clan heard Angelet's words, and immediately became furious, human, you dare to insult our demon clan, you are courting death! Our demon clan is the most intelligent race in the world!

Hmph, your wisdom is not as good as that of pigs and dogs, I just taunted you casually, and you will be outraged!

Angelet sneered mercilessly.


Die with 013!

Kill him for me!

A group of monsters roared angrily, attacking Angelet frantically one by one, constantly casting various spell attacks on Angelet.

Angelet looked at the attacks of a group of monsters with disdain. Their so-called spells might be able to cause harm to ordinary humans, or even make ordinary humans lose their fighting power, but to Angelet, it had no effect at all.

bang bang bang!

Flames shot up into the sky, forming a wall of fire around Angelet's body, blocking the attacks of all the monster races.

As expected of the second strongest person in the monster race, he can actually release fire spells. No wonder he can become the king of the eighth layer of monster domain.

Angelet looked at these monsters and thought to himself.

His figure flashed, and he appeared in front of a huge black bear. His big-eyed bear paw slammed fiercely at the head of the head-shaped black bear.


Sensing the danger, the giant bear roared immediately, swung its huge claws violently, and slapped Angelet hard.


With a loud noise, the huge arms and palms collided fiercely, and there was an explosion.

Angelet's figure was suddenly slapped back a few steps by this terrifying force.

This force was so strong that it forced Angelet back several meters away.

This guy's body is so powerful?!

Angelet was shocked immediately.

Although this giant bear looks huge, it is actually an ordinary giant monster, but it is much stronger than ordinary monsters.


The giant bear looked at Angelet, neighed angrily, and then rushed towards Angelet again, slapping Angelet fiercely with its huge bear paw.

Angelet watched the giant bear's attack, and nodded secretly in his heart. It seemed that this giant bear was indeed a very powerful monster.



Seeing this, the demon clan below also cursed loudly, and kept attacking Angelet, trying to force Angelet back.

When Angelet saw this, a cruel smile appeared on his face.

Hmph, since you are looking for death, I will fulfill you!

Angelet let out a cold snort, jumped up suddenly, then bent his legs slightly, and took a step, his whole body was like a cannonball, rushing to the side.


Angelet's figure landed hard, smashing a giant tree in a forest.


As soon as Angelet landed, the giant bear's paw hit the ground hard, and a large area of ​​trees was smashed into powder.

Boom boom boom!

Immediately afterwards, Angelet's body moved quickly, turned into a phantom, and rushed fiercely in all directions. .

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